Ch. 13: Anger Issues

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<~Rydel's POV:

I hate Laura so much right now! She promised me that she wouldn't tell Ross and the first she does is tell him! I can't believe her! I'm never trusting her again. I collapse onto my bed in tears. I feel betrayed. I never should have told Laura. How could have I been so stupid to think she would keep her promise!

I take out my phone and delete Laura from my contacts list. I unfollow her on every social media site. I don't want anything to do with her.

We aren't friends anymore. Probably never again. We most certainly are not sisters. I'm never speaking to Laura again.


<~Laura's POV:

"Maybe I should try and talk to Del." I sighed and laid my head on Ross' chest.

He kissed the top of my head, "I don't know. She's pretty stubborn."

"I feel so bad..." I mumbled, "Why did you make me tell you!"

"I'm sorry Laur. I really wish I wouldn't have pushed you so hard. I ruined your friendship with Rydel." Ross said. I could tell he felt really bad.

I sighed, "I'm not blaming you." I mutter. "I'm not blaming anyone. I kinda wish Rydel never told me in the first place."

"That would've probably been better."

I snuggled up against him, "What should I do? I don't want for us to never talk again."

"Give Rydel some time to forgive you. I'm sure she feels the same way as you do." Ross assured me.

"I hope your right." I replied. He smiled at me and gave me a quick peck on the lips.


~The Next Day on Set~

<~Ross' POV:

I looked everywhere for Calum, but I couldn't find him anywhere. I really had to talk to him.

As I was pacing around everywhere I bumped into Raini, nearly knocking her to the floor.

"Raini, I'm so sorry!" I said, grabbing her hand and helping her regain her balance.

"It's fine. Why are you pacing around everywhere?" She asks curiously.

"I'm looking for Calum. Have you seen him?" I asked.

"Calum is at your house." She tells me.

"What! Seriously, why?"

"Probably to see Rydel." Raini replied.

"Interesting..."I mumbled, "Well I better get to my house then. Thanks Raini! Bye!" I called as I ran off.


When I got back to my house, Calum's car was there. Good.

I went inside and it was silent. Was anyone even here?

"Hello!" I called.

There was no answer. Suddenly I heard a crash from upstairs. It sounded like it came from Rydel's room.

I went upstairs and knocked on Rydel's door.

I could hear voices. Rydel's and Calum's. But I couldn't make out what they were saying.

Then there was a scream. Rydel's scream.

"Rydel!" I shouted.

"Ross! Ross help us!" Rydel answered.


I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I was gonna have to break in.

I slammed my body into the door. I had to do it multiple times, putting myself in pain before I finally broke the door down.

What I saw horrified me.

Rydel and Calum were both tied down. Their hands were tied to their feet. Calum had duck tape over his mouth.

"Rydel! What happened!" I demanded to know.

"Ross! Thank god your here. Someone tied us up. H-he came through the window and when you got here he left." Rydel explained.

"Are you hurt?" I asked.

She shook her head. I sighed in relief and began to untie her then Calum.

By now I had forgotten all the things I wanted to tell Calum. All the things I was angry about with him.

Rydel hugged me, making me smile.

"It's nice to be able to talk again." Calum blurts out. We all laughed until I remembered something.

"Um...Where's Laura?" I ask them.

They shrug.

"Wasn't she at the set?" Asks Calum.

"No...she was here." I replied. I was starting to get worried.

Rydel smirked, "Maybe it's a good thing she's gone."

I glared at her, "W-what? How could that be a good thing!"

Rydel rolls her eyes, "I hate Laura. I hope she got kidnapped by that man."

It takes everything for me to keep from punching my own sister. Somehow I can contain myself. Well my actions anyways...but not my words.

"Go die in hell." I snap at her. I left with that to go and look for Laura. I have to find her. She could be in so much trouble... I need to protect her.


A/N: Woah...yeah I know Ross would never say that but it's just a fanfic so yeah it adds drama. So you guys probably hate me for taking so long to update! And I give your permission to. So yeah. I hope you liked this chapter. I know it's short...I just never have time for long chapters. This chapter is also unedited.


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