Chapter 2 - "Why would Lewis care?"

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Chapter 2- "Why would Lewis care?"

I spent the next few moments contemplating what had just happened, wondering whether I had imagined it, but there was no doubt about it, as I was still standing in the cupboard, confused as hell. I started walking out,  and coming up towards me was Lewis.

He noticed me and a relieved smile broke onto his face, emphasizing his dimples.

"There you are! Did you forget about lunch?" he questioned.

I replied quickly, so he didn't think I just blew him off, "No of course not, I just got kinda' lost."

"Oh, well, we saved you some food, if you're still hungry?"

"We?" I asked ignoring his question.

"Oh yeah me and my friends, come on let's go to the food hall!"

I followed him to the food hall, looking around the school, the rooms looked really modern and each classroom was big enough to fit at least 40 students.

Soon we arrived at the food hall and there were tables filled with all types of personalities; rowdy boys, nerdy girls, the sporty ones, all in their own world. I looked around, but I couldn't spot Tyler at any of the tables.

Lewis led me to 'his' table of mainly girls. They seemed to be the annoying giggly type, the ones which think 'cute' is their only describing word! As soon as they noticed Lewis, they all looked up eagerly longing to be in his presence. Seriously? They were pathetic! I mean I know Lewis is good-looking but I didn't think the girls would be this crazy over him!

Lewis introduced me to all the girls, there was, Anna, Spencer, Lizzie, Brook, Maddie and Nina. Amongst all these girls there was only one other boy, Dylan, he stayed quiet for the most of time I was there, he seemed really reserved. I was relieved when lunch was over, because I knew that I was finally going to see my dorm room and meet my roommate.

Lewis led me to the girl's dorm and told me that my bags were probably already waiting for me.

I opened the Brown door and looked straight ahead. "Wow!" The room smelt great and was furnished modern with a desk and bookshelf. On either side of the room were beds, with cashmere duvet sets and pillows. I defiantly was not expecting this! I absorbed my surroundings for a few moments, until a girl with bouncy blonde hair walked in.

I was still in a daze of my room but luckily I was nudged by Lewis, when she walked in, she smiled at both of us and Lewis left us to it.

The girl's name was Kate and she told me she had been at the boarding school for two years. She also said she was part of the student newspaper and knew many of the students. One of her many 'talents' (as she called it), was that she knew almost everything, about everyone and even offered to help if I wanted to find out some juicy secrets.

I was going to like this girl! She satisfies my inner nosiness.

I started to wonder about Tyler and the cupboard incident.

"Do you know someone called Tyler?" I asked, slightly embarrassed.

Her eyes lit up instantly, "Which Tyler? Because there's a really annoying one, in my English class, or there's Tyler Malone - Blakehills 'Bad boy and hottie'?

"I think he's the second one!" I replied.

Kate turned to me and looked me dead in the eye, she smirked. "Does Lewis know your crushing on Tyler?"

"I'm not crushing on him!" I answered in defence, "anyway why would Lewis care?".

"Well," she said in an 'as a matter of fact' kind of way. "About a year ago, they had a really big fight, It was like them being best friends one day and enemies the next. Apparently they don't even look at each other anymore!"

She saw my eyes flicker in interest and she continued.

"There were some problems this year too, because they were put in the same classes and they weren't allowed to change, you would think they would be over it by now, but apparently not!"

I sat there, while I digested the new information, and I pondered over whether I should ask Lewis about what had happened, but maybe I was being too nosy. It was none of my business . . . damn me for being so nosy!

My thoughts were interrupted by Kate as she was asking me something.

"So are you going to the open fresher's party tonight?"

"I didn't know there was one!" I replied truthfully.

"Oh", she started, "well every year there is a party at the lake-side which is meant to be for fresher's and new students, but everyone goes. It's a good place to get to know everyone. You should come!" She asked.

"Ok!" I replied eagerly, and I instantly headed for my luggage. I knew what I was going to wear and I was going to make a great first impression...


-------> Lewis on the right.

Thank you for reading my second chapter!!!! can't wait to write the party scene! I hope you enjoyed this one, make sure to vote and comment!

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