Chapter 8 - Honey, I scared The Kids.

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Authors Note=
OK first I am soooooo sorry for taking ages to update, I'll be more frequent=) thank you soooo much for commenting and voting it means sooo much to me

I was wondering what TV series your enjoying at the moment? I really like pretty little liars=))

enjoy xox

Chapter 8 - Honey I scared the kids!

After my little adventure with Tyler I hurriedly went to my Dorm room, knowing that I couldn't be late two days in a row. I could hear the soft mumbling of incoherent words coming from Kate as she slugged around looking for shoes, not much of a morning person then?...that makes two of us.

I glanced over my notebooks, searching for my timetable. After rummaging for a while I found it. scrunched up in a ball, just great! I unscrewed it and read today's lessons;

Art, History, P.E, English and Chemistry. Not too bad I thought to myself, I quickly scanned over the room numbers and then to the school map to try to work out where I was headed. Suddenly I heard the family tune of 'Sweater Weather' come from my bag. Ah that would be my phone! I took it out, my eyes searching for the caller ID, it read:


....wait what? mum! Why is she ringing me? A sudden surge of panic ran through me. she never rings me, has something happened?

I heard Kate closing the door to the bathroom and I was thankful, knowing that if my Mum was ringing me, it wouldn't be a joyous occasion. I soon realised I had just been staring at my phone and I swiped my fingers across the screen, accepting the call.

"Hello?", I said warily.

"Sweety, how are you?", my mum gushed, wait sweety? why is she so happy? why is she being nice?

"Sweety? are you there?", her unfamiliar perky tone ran through the phone. What the hell was going on? now I'm just scared, she just repeated the S word! The S word!

What kind of crack is she on?

Wait I still haven't answered yet!

"Hello mum?.... I'm here",

I said hesitantly.

She didn't seem to notice my hesitation, "Hey honey, how has your first few days gone?",

honey?.....yep my mum's high! since when did she use words of affection? this was waaay to weird! and now she was asking me how my first few days went?

oh well lets see,

When I arrived here I was reunited with Lewis, that boy who always used to eat my twix at school and would always greet you when you came to pick me up. Oh and I got stuck in a cupboard with this boy...who's arch enemies with Lewis. I went to a party, asked Lewis about this boy, Lewis got angry, I ended up dancing with this boy, Lewis saw us, got really angry, decided to have a fight with this boy, I woke up the next morning in some boys bed- after passing out. I got to my first lesson late, punched a girl, had Tyler pour out his past to me, get a tour of the school, as well as get pushed in the pool and get a lunch time detention. I also managed to make another enemy, as well as just spending an hour of my precious morning, stuck in a tree, hiding from Lewis, as I have to be friends with Tyler secretly.

"It was fine".

"Fine?", my mum questioned disappointed. "Well did anything interesting happen?".

"Nope", the lie rolled off my tongue easily.

"Oh, OK then", my mum sounded defeated.

" I'm going to be late for my first lesson...I'll talk with you later", I choked, rushing to end the call.

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