Chapter 6 - Just keep swimming

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Hey guys sorry this took a while! you find out more about Connor in this chapter! enjoy :) thanks so much for voting!

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Chapter 6 - Just keep swimming

Mmmmm sweet dreams, there the best! this one was particular good, it was about me beating Connor at swim practice and thats my new goal for today! he somehow thinks he's soo much better than everyone else, or me atleast! so I'm going to prove him wrong.

'Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep'

Uh I hate alarm clocks!

Yesterday after I got back from school, Kate had a bunch of questions to ask, apparently I was the new hot topic- which slightly aggravated me, because where there's news,there's also rumours! It's going round that I was dating Tyler and Lewis at the same time, others were talking about me doing the 'deed' with Lewis and Maddie catching us, and that was supposedly the reason why we had our argument! people have seriously too much spare time on their hands.

I explained to Kate what happened, leaving out the part about Tyler telling me all about his past, she didn't need to know that! After yesterday's events I felt exhausted, so I hit my bed as soon as possible and I forgot all about the fact that I had to wake up at 6 today!

I don't think I've ever woke up that early! I was trying not to be too loud, I didn't want to wake Kate, I wore my turquoise swimming costume, which tied behind my neck, and to stop myself from freezing on the way, I wore leggings and a green knit jumper. I packed a towel and some water in a bag and headed towards the boys dorm.


To get into the boys dorm , there's a pass-code, but they weren't very imaginative, as the password was ' 1 2 3 4 '. I entered it in and stepped into the corridor, It was completely silent and there was no light to be seen, it was weird to think that just yesterday, music was blasting from these walls! I cautiously tiptoed my way across to the pool door, and as I got closer I could see the bright light from under the door. I reached my hand out to the handle and opened the door, the light filled my eyes and I could hear the boys laughing and talking. So apparently Im the only one who Isn't a morning person, great!

Some of the boys noticed me, including Connor, who looked shocked that I actually turned up! I headed for the changing rooms and slipped off my clothes, I was out within the next few minutes, as I was heading out I tied my hair into a messy bun and grabbed my goggles.

Coach was calling us all together, and giving us directions, he told me that part of my test was that I would swim against each team member and if I beat atleast 3 members than I pass!, it seemed pretty simple.

I walked over to the edge of the pool, noticing that some of the boys were checking me out, I felt a slight blush creep onto my face, but I tried my best to ignore them, while making sure my swimsuit wasn't showing too much!

"Aria", the coach called,

"yes coach?"

"There are 9 boys in the team,so you will go against three of them at a time. you must swim the length of the pool and back", he explained

I nodded in understanding.

"OK, Riley, Elliot and Tom your first, you have to perform to your best,put Aria to the test." he chuckled, was he being serious? its frickin 6:30 in the morning!

I neilled down in start position, Tom stood next to me, "good luck", he smiled. "thanks", I replied, he probably thought I was some lost cause!

I put my googles over my eyes and waited for the whistle,

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