Chapter 5 - The girl who cried wolf!

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So this is mainly a filler chapter, but i hope you still enjoy:) I want to thank everyone that votes for my chapters I really appreciate it!


Chapter 5 - The Girl who Cried Wolf!

I walked casually to my maths lesson, the fact that the lesson was nearly over didn't even concern me anymore, I just wanted my first day to be over and done with.

As I walked towards the class, a small questionable part of my mind started to wonder whether Tyler was telling the truth, I know he was crying and all, but why did he just give away his secrets so easily? I barely knew him, so did I have his trust? Lewis had been a life long friend so is Tyler lying?! .but then again, if Tyler was telling the truth, than I was disgusted with Lewis's actions.....I'm starting to sound like a teacher! this shit is confusing!

I reached the maths room quicker than expected and I peered through the glass, to see the class looking attentively at the board and as I pushed through the door, I felt every single pair of eyes on me.

"sorry I'm late",

I realised I didn't even know her name! Great start Aria! the class was still piercing holes through me, she looked up from her desk,

"oh miss Williams, I was told you would be in the office for this lesson?",

"ooooooh" I heard the immature boys at the back of the class mockingly chant.

Had word travelled that fast about me hitting Maddie? I felt a blush rise,

"oh i'll just go there now then", I said leaving the classroom,I hadn't met the principle yet ,but this should be interesting!

Although if my Mum and my so called 'step-dad' found out, than there would just be another thing to add to the reasons why I am a 'bad behaved, attention seeking daughter'- to put it in my step dads words. As I walked towards my doom- formally known as the office, I felt my heartbeat rising, you might be thinking how much of a wuss I am, but you haven't met my parents!.Your parents might be over protective, pressurising, unfair.....but if you cried for help would they help you? or would they think that your clearly attention seeking. To my parents am merely the boy who cried wolf, so all these years I've had to block out my emotions, I've had to live with going through therapists, moving schools- because my mum thought it was the people around me who influenced my decisions! my parents are clueless and yes as horrible as it may sound I would trade my parents anyday!

As I had my mini panic attack about how my parents would react, I was faced opposite the office door, here goes nothing! I walked in and to my surprise I was greeted by a cheery looking girl, who looked about two years older than me.

"oh thank god, I was getting a bit panicked because I thought you didn't get the message",she said relieved.

"sorry I didn't get a message, my maths teacher just told me to come here!", I replied confused,

"oh the note probable didn't get sent then... never mind!", she said still bursting with energy.

after a few more moments of me just standing there, I decided to spark the conversation, " so... um why did I get called to the office?", I questioned.

"oh well at this school when there's a newcomer, they get a tour of the school,aswell as some Time to sign up to clubs and meet the teachers!"

I let out a relieved breath that I didn't even know I was holding, thank god I wouldn't be getting in trouble!.

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