Punk Hazard and a pissed off Cat

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Neko had not been summoned much since she was not very obedient but Law kept her key on him at all times. When she came out to fight she did exceptional only she would beat up Law's perverted crew.

With Ceaser yelling about getting rid of the marines. Popping out Neko seated herself on Law's couch. 'That mans annoying, I could kill him for you.' Neko offered, over the two years Neko was more relaxed but if mad the target of her rage would regret.

Leaning comfortably Neko's look did not change much except she wore a tube corset top and her now black fur coat was longer till it reached her knees. Jeans and high heeled boots also since they were on the winter island but Neko still wore her rings.

Pricking her ears Neko jumped up to follow Law since she did not normally come out. She did say she would 'violently torture and then kill the clown slowly' plus the clown was interested in the spirit.

Once outside while hearing threats from the marines Law opened the door. Leaning on the frame he just smirked. Bored out of her mind after they talked about Law creepy or was it messed up way with becoming a government dog. Neko knew this, Law was using the marines for his own benefit and would eventually throw away the marines.

'Can I kill the women ? she's irritating.' Putting a hand on her hip Neko instantly zeroed on her prey. Nodding in approval Neko jumped forward to face the woman in pink. Ignoring Smoker she did warn him not to bother her because a little runt like him would die if he pissed her off.

Taking out her sword the woman tried to cut her. Dodging with ease and boredom Neko removed her whip that was rapped around her waist and used it to take away the sword. With the girls sword in her hands Neko examined the sword. It being valuable Neko instantly sent it to her home.

'What did you do with my sword ?' Cocking her head side ways, 'I took it of course, you don't deserve it. My underlings deserve it more than you do, your a weak winy little girl you should die.' And with that Neko sprung into action.

Hand to hand combat the spirit soon defeated the girl, with that she went after the marine thugs. Beating them like the girl the man were barely alive.

With that all finished she saw Law switch the pink girl and Smoker's bodies. With no threat Neko went back to her key.

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