Party at Punk Hazard !

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i hope you guys like my fanfic the thought just came into my head, please vote and com met what you think. might want to look back on the other chapters because sometimes I add,


With Law being fine and safe as he could be with a bunch of beat up marines Neko saw no reason so she immediately left. After she had left Luffy appeared along with the other straw hats. They had been watching Neko glow as she defeated all the marines with ease. She had danced around the marines with her whip grabbing them and sending them far away and had used hand to hand combat on them.

Watching from above in a tree like usual, Neko really did not care much. Normally she would look at the lights and such. Stiffening for a second Neko disappeared in a golden light.

Reappearing in the human world Neko noticed she was in the building and around these large vials full of green goo. Besides her Law who had a hand on his chest, his heart ! Looking desperately she spotted a large man , in his hands was Law's heart. The man was squeezing it.

Dammit, I told Law to take my heart ! I knew something like this was going to happen.

Leaning forward Neko ran toward the man. In her inhuman speed Neko was a golden blur. With a kick she sent the man flying, bringing out her whip Neko swung it to wrap around harmlessly around the heart. Handing it over to Law as he got up Neko rewrapped the whip.

Stepping forward Neko put on her azure tinted shades. 'I don't know who this guy is but you better get out of here Law.' 'No.' Shrugging she searched for the man through the smoke. Reappearing Neko created a huge blast of golden light to blind the man.

'Cat Paws' With that she slammed her paws/hands at the man. The guy was strong but a stream of smoke appeared, Smoker. As expected Smoker allied himself with us to defeat 'Virgo' in the end Law cut him up.

Perking her ears Neko lowered herself and pounced on the sliced in half man's pocket. In it was a Den Den Mushi, it was pink and even had pink shades. The person Joker who was on the other line did not look happy. 'Bye bye.' Neko said as she caught the snail, ripping of the phone part so the snail wont be of use for the man Joker.

With its shades off Neko pocketed it, saying she would have to do redecorating. With it in her pocket Neko followed Law until she decided to go home.

Scratching her head at her home Neko looked for paint, several blues and a black. Both sides of the shell where painted in scenes of the celestial spirit world while at the spine she painted the same blue with only light caching bubbles and stars. Something was lacking, a hat like Law's !

Taking out a furry black fabric Neko turned it into hat with cat ears, adding a matching ribbon and painting a black cat in the front of the snails body and finally a matching phone that was attached.

When she went back with her finished work Neko saw what looked like a war zone and Law had the crazy clown. Their were also giant children too. 'What did I miss ?' Remembering what she wanted to show. Neko placed her new Den Den Mushi in front of Law to let him see her work.

Grinning with delight until she spotted the pink women heading for her. She got wounded on the shoulder.  Smirking Neko left her new toy with Law as she launched in the air with the women yelling at her to return her sword. As they reached the hot zone Neko spotted a dragon.

Jumping on the sleeping creature she urged it to run away from the marine. Directing it to were the others are Neko jumped of but before the creature could leave she had a white light cover it and soon the animal disappeared before Law could say no.

Seeing that they were joining the straw hats (when did they get here ?) Neko skipped forward to sit near the figure head,  a friendly lion. Grinning Neko waved goodbye to the children who were saying pirates were cooler than marines.

'You bet kids ! take care !' Neko yelled as she waved goodbye. Shooting up she remembered she left the snail with Law. Getting it back she covered the creature with the same light like the dragon.

'I made them my subordinates.' Neko explained as Law asked about the light since in the two years she had been with him she had not used that kind of magic for a long time

Disappearing Neko went back to sleep.

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