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Tyler sat on the edge of his window, staring out at the empty sky. He felt no emotion, as if half of his heart was asleep. In the distance, he could see a cloud  but it was so far, or so small, that it looked like a dot.

He knew there was someone at the door of his apartment, but for some reason he was terrified to answer the door, and the room was far too dark to even try to see the pathway to the door.

He couldn't get the image of glowing eyes out of his head, and he could only hear the sound of nighttime crickets and the words "Air Catcher" running through his mind. He knew it was at his door, the thing that had made him unable to breathe his whole life. But he could breathe.  He crept through the darkened room toward the door, feeling the polished wood slide underneath his feet which were covered by socks.

Knock knock.

Tyler nearly felt his soul jumped out of his body. Did he just hear his Air Catcher?

Yes, his Air Catcher. Everyone had one, but his was unusually attached to him. He felt it's presence every waking moment of the day and felt it sleeping by his bed at the whispering hours of night. The only time it leaves him alone is when he himself is asleep. It stays out of his dreams and leaves his head for once.

Tyler made his way to the door, pausing with his hand on the door knob.

Let me in.

The Air Catcher beckoned Tyler to open the door, and Tyler felt the urge to twist the knob grow stronger.

Won't you open the door, sonny boy?

His Air Catcher liked to call him sonny boy for some reason. Before he could regain consciousness from his daydreams, he saw two glowing eyes before him.

Nice to see you again, sonny boy.

Tyler felt his breath hitch as he struggled to breathe for a moment, but then his chest relaxed and he took a deep breath.

"Air Catcher."

Tyler addressed the dark figure before him.

Suddenly, right before his eyes, the Air Catcher began to glow and shift it's form until he stood before Tyler. His red hair fluffed at the top of his head, and his brown eyes met with Tyler's own chocolate colored eyes. He had a deep red pooled under his eyes as if blood had pooled from his eyes and stained his lower eyelids.

"Oh, Sonny Boy. Why are you not afraid? I am one to be feared."

Tyler just stood with his hand on the door. He looked at his Air Catcher, still entranced in his daydreams, that's how he always felt around Air Catcher.

Dreamy. Sleepy. He needed sleep. His lungs were tired and his eyes felt dry and heavy. But Air Catcher would not let Tyler sleep. Instead, he would push his way past Tyler and close Tyler's door.

"It's a beautiful night, isn't it, Sonny Boy?"

The Air Catcher just kept staring at Tyler with those glowing eyes, and Tyler just gently shook his head.

"It's a nice night whether you believe it is or not, let's go for a walk."

Tyler once more shook his head and he could see the patience drain from his devilish companion's eyes.

"Alright, Sonny Boy. What do you want from me, then."

Tyler paused for a moment, pondering something, then he gazed back at the Air Catcher.

"A name, Air Catcher. Surely even demons have names."

The Air Catcher scoffed and ran his fingers through his fluffy red hair.

"Call me Josh if you wish, Sonny Boy."

Air Catcher «joshler»Where stories live. Discover now