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It had been hard to fall asleep that night, because tonight, the Air Catcher... or Josh, decided to haunt his dreams. It was the first time Josh had done that.

"Haven't you taken enough from me, Josh?"

Tyler screamed those words when he woke up in the morning, startled when he received an immediate response.

"What could you possibly be talking about, Sonny Boy?"

Tyler shook his head and lay his head back down on his pillow, his eyes were red and baggy from his bad night's sleep.

"Josh, won't you go to someone else's head?"

Tyler shook his head and looked to the corner of the room, where too glowing eyes protruded from the shadows. The lights flickered as though Josh was blinking, and Tyler covered his face with his pillow.

The brown haired boy almost screamed when he felt the weight on the bed shift instantaneously. He turned to see Josh, no longer a shadow, laying at the edge of the bed.
Air Catchers usually slept for three hours in the morning, that's all they need. Tyler studied the red haired figure an front of him and sighed, wanting to drift back to sleep.

Tyler felt his eyelids grow heavy once more, and he fell asleep.


Josh woke up after a few hours, ready to wake Tyler up with nightmares, but then he saw Tyler's face in the midday light, being able to see his features correctly without darkness blocking the boy's face. He looked at the way Tyler's hair got all messed up after hours of tossing and turning, and he noted how Tyler snored slightly. He watched Tyler's face twist into different emotions as he slept, presumably dreaming.

Josh just slipped off of the bed, not wanting to bother Tyler. Something inside of him told him not to, so, he didn't.


Another half hour passed before Tyler stirred awake, looking at the edge of his bed to see that Josh was gone. He sighed in relief, feeling the weight on his shoulders lift.

Tyler had hoped too soon.

Josh appeared in the doorway and Tyler lost the ability to breathe for a few seconds. That was normal. It always happened when he looked at Josh. Well, only if he hadn't seen him in the past hour. Tyler looked down at the floor and sighed. Why did Josh hate him so much? Why couldn't he be like a normal Air Catcher and keep his distance.

Josh enjoyed being around Tyler. That's why he was so attached to him. In fact, he was far from hating the brown haired boy. He had actually taken a liking to Tyler.

"I don't hate you, Tyler."

Tyler was shaken out of his thoughts as Josh seemed to read his mind.

"Then why do you bother me so much?"

Tyler was on the verge of tears before he felt something so strange and unexpected.

He couldn't breathe. For real this time. Josh had kissed him.

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