The Last Star

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The 5th Wave: The Last Star by Rick Yancey

- "Love is forever. If it wasn't, it wouldn't be love. The world is beautiful. If it wasn't, it wouldn't be the world."

- "We bear the unbearable. We endure the unendurable. We do what must be done until we ourselves are undone."

- "Some things down to the smallest of things, are worth the sum of all things"

- "But I am even more than this. I am all those they remember, the ones they loved, everyone they knew, and everyone they only heard about. How many are contained in me? Count the stars. Go on, number the grains of sand. That's me.

I am humanity."

- "Pain is necessary. Pain is life. Without pain there can be no joy."

- "Our hearts, the war.

Her body, the battlefield."

- "They sat on the back porch and looked at the stars while Zombie told the story of a queen named Cassiopeia who lived forever on a throne in the sky.

"But her throne's tilted down," Sam said, looking at the constellation. "Won't she fall out?"

Zombie cleared his throat. "She won't fall. Her throne is turned that way so she can keep watch over her realm."

"What's a realm?"

Zombie pressed his hand against Sam's chest.

"This is." Zombie's hand to Sam's heart. "Here."

- "No matter how well you know someone, there's still a part of them you won't. You can't. Like, ever. A locked room. I don't know."

- "Once a human named Evan Walker had a dream—a dream it can no longer remember—and in that dream there was a tent in the woods and in that tent there was a girl who called herself humanity, and the girl was worth more to it than its own life."

- "So there you go. You can love the good in us and hate the bad, but the bad is in us, too. Without it, we wouldn't be us."

- "Thinking about the bacon - the potential of bacon - gives me hope. Not all is lost if bacon isn't."

- "She traveled the world and wrote books and took lovers and broke hearts. She didn't allow life just to happen to her. She punched and pummeled and beat the living shit out of it. She mauled it."

- "There's a part of me that's convinced this everlasting war will end when I coax a smile out of that girl."

- "He was a finisher who could not finish. He was the heart of a hunter who lacked the heart to kill.

In her journal she had written I am humanity, and something in those three words split him in two.

She was the may fly, here for a day, then gone. She was the last star, burning bright in a sea of limitless black.

Erase the human.

In a burst of blinding light, the star Cassiopeia exploded and the world went black.

Evan Walker had been undone."

- "Hello, Earth.

So this is how God sees you, sparkling blue against the dullest black. No wonder he made you. No wonder he made the sun and the stars so he could see you."

- "You're never perfectly safe. No human being on Earth ever is or ever was. To live is to risk your life, your heart, everything."

- "Really, science is wonderful, but why does it tend to suck all the joyous mystery from the world?"

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