four | Student Council

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"One thing I knew was that this would be a tumultuous year..."

❀Student Council was a tradition during Senior year

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Student Council was a tradition during Senior year. If you weren't in it, you weren't "cool." The way PHHS did it, you gave speeches. And if you were lucky enough, your speech would be remembered forever. The speeches turned out pretty well, but not unique enough to be memorialized. Most of the Student Council officers ended up being my classmates, which was pretty cool. Except for some of the people. That same afternoon that speeches were given and everyone voted, the results sheet was hung up on our Senior hallway board. Our teachers gave us the announcement and everyone pushed and shoved each other out of the way to get to the board. This is what it said:
Senior Student Council 2016-2017
President: Adam Hale
Vice President: Heather Woods
Secretary: Lana Brooks
Treasurer: Jordana Griffin
Pep Squad: Ryder Moretti

Yay and ugh were my first reactions. On one hand, I was finally in student council, something that I'd waited for for my entire life. And on the other hand, Heather Woods was VP. It was kind of awkward finding out that everyone in SSC was in my homeroom, but it was welcomed, since I knew everyone already. One thing I knew what that this would be a tumultuous year...

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