eight | The Unraveling-Part 4

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"Oh my god, everyone was staring at me. And I was like, 'take a picture, it'll last longer.'"

❀On Saturday night, I called my parents telling them that I would spend the night at Amber's house again until Monday, because she was going through some "rough times

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On Saturday night, I called my parents telling them that I would spend the night at Amber's house again until Monday, because she was going through some "rough times." And, they bought the excuse. My friends called and texted nonstop, but I didn't feel like talking to them. I didn't feel like talking to anyone other than Austin or Cara and Amber. I split my weekend between drinking and drugging with Austin, and going to the mall with Amber and Cara. I didn't feel like going home to change, plus when I grabbed my schoolbooks after breaking into my house at night, I forgot a change of clothes (whoops.)

I spent a lot of Sunday with Cara and Amber at the mall. They taught me how to shoplift, which was surprisingly easy. "You so have a knack for 'lifting!" Cara had said. "Agreed! You can charm salesmen better than either of us!" Amber had added. Amber and Cara did drugs too, but only weed and the occasional ecstasy. Not like Austin, who was into hard drugs. When I returned to Austin's Sunday night, I had a whole slew of Pink, American Eagle, Loft, and Ulta products. And it was all so easy.

I enjoyed my new lifestyle. No responsibilities, no nagging friends. Only happiness and pleasure, whenever I wanted, wherever I wanted. I could get used to this.

Monday Morning (Walker household)
"Austin? Shouldn't we be getting ready for school?" I groaned, reeling from last night's excitement: Bud Light and a whole lotta kissing.

I got out of Austin's bed, looking for what to wear. I rummaged through my book-bag and purse, finding the perfect outfit. All, of which, was shoplifted. A baby pink tennis skirt, ripped black tights, and a black t-shirt, with my hair in my signature high-ponytail. I dabbed on simple makeup at first, just enough to cover any signs of sleepless nights and drug-fueled highs. And then, I went back and put on heavy black eyeliner and mascara. The heavier, the better.

"We should just ditch," I hear Austin mumble from under the covers.

"No Austin. I'm not ditching. We're turning in that Civil War essay today, remember?" I persisted.

"Oh, yeah. I didn't do that." He laughed.

"Fine. I'm going to school. With or without you. Maybe we can ditch tomorrow, but I'm not getting my grade docked. I worked hard on that essay!" I yelled, walking out the door and slamming it behind me.

Monday, Lunch
"Oh my god, everyone was staring at me. And I was like, 'take a picture, it'll last longer,'" I was sitting in the Cafeteria with Cara, Amber, and Austin, (who ended up coming to school.) All of my old friends had come up to me, asking me why I ignored their phone calls and texts. I just rolled my eyes and walked away.

But now, I was sitting down, vulnerable to anyone who wanted to interrogate me. But I was ready. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Shannon and Jordana walk over towards our table.

"Bitch alert," Cara whispered, making Amber giggle.

"Lana? What's wrong with you? Everyone's been trying to talk to you and they say you just walk away. Why didn't you answer our calls or texts?" Shannon asked. I also knew she wanted to ask why I was sitting with them, but she didn't.

"Look, Shan. I need a change of scenery. This'll do me some good." I smiled. Shannon and Jordan narrowed their eyes at me.

"You're acting different too. The Lana I know hates makeup and tights. She'd never be caught dead in the Cafeteria when she could be in The Garden. And she would never just ignore her friends like that," Jordana plead.

"Well, maybe I'm not the same Lana anymore. I have a boyfriend and two new best friends, so you can run along back outside and leave us alone." I replied, the words coming out meaner than I meant. And before I knew it, Austin leaned over the table and kissed me.

When I looked back to where Shannon and Jordana had been standing, they were gone.

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