sixteen | Why Now?

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"Someone is after you, okay? They want to hurt you."

❀Saturday MorningI woke up to the beautiful sound of

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Saturday Morning
I woke up to the beautiful sound of... snoring?

"Damnit, Eric, put a lid on it!" I mumbled in my half-asleep daze.

I tried to turn around to face Eric when I realized there was something draped over my waist. An arm. Eric's arm.

Suddenly, Eric stirred. He rubbed his eyes and widened his eyes when he noticed my facial expression. And then, he quickly retracted his arm.

"I'm-uh-wow." Eric rattled.

"It's okay. Not like anything happened, right?" I added.

"Right. But if anything did happen, you can think about how much better of a guy I am than Austin?" Eric suggested, earning a pillow to the face from me. Although, I couldn't disagree.

"Hey!" Eric exclaimed, grabbing another pillow and swinging it at me, from which I swiftly dodged.

This continued on for a few more minutes, until my phone started buzzing from my nightstand.

I got off the bed and hovered over my nightstand. It had an area code of 215, so it was a Philadelphia number.

I clicked 'answer call' when a machine started talking.

"Incoming call from Philadelphia Correctional Facility. Press '1' to accept."

I almost dropped my phone in surprise. It was Austin. It had to be.

Eric mouthed 'what?' from the bed, prompting me to click '1', then click 'speaker.'

"Lana? It's me, Austin. Are you there?"

"Yes, it is. You obviously called me for a reason, so talk."

"Are you alone?"

I looked to Eric, who nodded, instructing me to lie.

"What kind of question is that? Yes, I'm alone. Now what do you want?"

"Listen, you're in danger. Serious danger. I need to talk to you in person, where our conversations can't be monitored."

"What kind of danger?"

"Someone is after you, okay? They want to hurt you."

"What the hell? Are you high again, Austin? I didn't know they let you shoot Heroin in prison."

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