seven | The Unraveling-Part 3

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"Are you still afraid of me?"
"Only a little."

❀Saturday MorningI woke up with no comprehension of where I was or what had happened last night

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Saturday Morning
I woke up with no comprehension of where I was or what had happened last night. Only a craving deep inside of me for something I couldn't pinpoint. I looked around and remembered that I was at Amber's party last night. This was her room. There was no one else around. I sat in silence for a bit, my head pounding and my heart racing.

And then, my phone rang.

My ringtone, the sound of bells chiming, rang out from across the bedroom. My bag, which I'd brought here, was sitting across the bed. I reached to get out of the bed, but the room started to spin once again. I knew I was still really high.

I picked up the phone. It was my mom. "Hello?" I asked. "Lana, where have you been? We've been worried sick about you!"

I thought about using Shannon or Jordana as an excuse, but my parents probably already called their houses.

"I slept over at my friend Amber's house. I'm fine, don't worry." I answered.

"It's three o'clock and you didn't even tell us where you were going! Are you okay, Lana? You sound weird." My mom responded.

"Yes, mom. I'm fine. It's probably just the phone reception. My phone ran out of battery and I couldn't find my charger."

"Okay, honey. I'll tell your father. We were about to send out a search party, we were so scared!" She admitted.

"I have to go, mom. Talk to you later." I groaned and hung up the phone.

I checked my missed calls and almost dropped my phone in surprise. There were thirty-seven from my mom, twenty-nine from my dad, fourteen from Jordana, ten from Shannon, seven from Adam, and four from Eric. I didn't even want to open my texts, either.

I went to put my phone back in my bag when some of the items shifted to show a small, clear bag containing-you guessed it-white powder. Along with a glass tile, a straw, and a blade. And a note. "Thought you might want to use this bag up. Find me if you need more, -Austin" And then, he proceeded to list his address and phone number.

I didn't even need to open the bag to know it was the very thing I was craving. I started to pull the items out of my bag when the door opened, revealing Amber. "Hey, Lana. Did you sleep well?" She giggled, "I saw Austin Walker leaving this room earlier. It seems as though maybe you had a little fun last night."

"I-I don't know. I can't remember anything." Was all I could say in response.

"Oh, Lana, it'll all come back to you in time. That's just the drugs and alcohol taking over your brain. I heard you were a virgin though. Lose your v-card last night?" She smiled suggestively.

"I told you, I can't remember a thing. When I remember, I'll get back to you," I said.

"Look, Lana. I'm sorry to do this but I have to kick you out. My dad is probably coming home soon and I need to have the place completely clean by the time he gets back. I can't have a druggie hanging around when he comes around. No offense." She said, motioning outside the door. I could already tell how messy it was from here.

"I don't have anywhere to go, Amber. It's not like I can go home. My parents can't see me like this." I groaned.

"I don't care where you go, as long as it's not in my house. How about Austin's? Although, personally, I think you're much cuter with Eric Goodwin." She smiled.

Austin's house, one hour later
"Welcome to my humble household, Ms. Brooks."

"Shut up and let me in, Austin."

I walked into the Walker house and almost got high all over again. Drugs lay all around, the scent of coke and weed wafting through the air.

"I have nowhere else to go. Amber kicked me out, and I can't let my friends or family see me like this." I pleaded, although there were many other places I would've rather hid out at, including the park bathroom.

"What about your boyfriend? That James dude?"

"What? Ew no, I'm not dating him," I insisted.

"Oh, what about Adam. Or Ryder. Or Eric. There are so many boys chasing you I can't even keep up," Austin exaggerated.

"I don't have a boyfriend."

"Really? That's pretty unbelievable," he said, handing me a medical syringe, "Hold this?" he asked, pushing up his shirt sleeve.

"Aren't you going to offer me some?" I pouted, knowing I still needed something to suffice my cravings.

Austin laughed. "Oh no, Lana. This is Heroin. The big leagues. You already have a mix of alcohol and Cocaine in your system. Adding this might kill you."

"You have them in your system too," I questioned.

"Yes, but I had one cup compared to your four cups. And I'm an experienced user. Once you get the other stuff out of your system, I'll give you this. But for now, no." He snatched the syringe from my fingers and held his arm out, injecting himself with the drug. I could only watch.

He must've noticed my long face, because he brought his hand up to my cheek patronizingly. "Honey, if you're so sad, you can always have more of this," Austin smiled and reached behind me to my bag, pulling out the original bag of Coke he left me. I eagerly took the bag, but then realized I should wait if I wanted to try his Heroin.

I put it back in my bag. "I'll wait a few hours, then I can participate with you in your fun activity of trying new drugs."

"That's my good girl gone bad," he whispered softly into my ear, making me blush. His voice was so indescribable. Almost, sexy.

Four hours later (7pm Saturday night)
"Finally, can you please hand me the syringe now?" I pleaded with Austin.

"Sure, we'll take a hit together," he added, pulling an extra syringe from between the couch cushion.

There was still that pull inside of me, telling me it was a bad idea. But I needed to satisfy my urge. I wasn't going to get addicted. This was simply testing the waters, I convinced myself.

As I injected myself, an electric feeling shot through me, like a lightning strike. I was still reeling from the high when I looked over at Austin, who was getting ready to ask me something.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. I didn't want to, but if it meant I could keep trying out new drugs, then maybe I could arrange for that.

"You know, I used to be really scared of you. All my friends, too." I admitted.

"Are you still afraid of me?" He asked.

"Only a little."

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