twenty six | The Girl With The Secret

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"If you want, I'll help you do a bit of investigating."

❀Two Days Later, Monday, March 6th, 6 pm"Do you even do homework, Carson? 'Cause you're always here after school with me

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Two Days Later, Monday, March 6th, 6 pm
"Do you even do homework, Carson? 'Cause you're always here after school with me. Not like I'm complaining, though," I laughed as Carson helped me sit up to eat my dinner.

"Actually, I bring my schoolwork here, for during breaks. But during the past few days, I've been busy taking care of you," he joked.

"How about you bring your work in here, and hangout with me? I get pretty lonely these days. And besides, I need to have a heart-to-heart with you, anyway."

"Heart to heart? What about?" Carson inquired.

"I'll tell you when you come back, just go!"

five minutes later
"Are you gonna tell me now?" He asked, dropping a black Jan-Sport book bag on my couch, then sitting up and facing me.

"This is something only three other people know about, and I'm going to tell you, too. But if you tell anyone, and I mean anyone, I'll kill you. And I'm not kidding." I warned.

"Your secret is safe with me," he promised, making the 'zip your lip and toss the key' face.

"Last month, I had a pregnancy scare with my ex, who's in prison. I got a false positive, and Eric Goodwin really helped me through it. I just thought that if you wanted, we could talk about the situation with you and Lissa? Only if you're comfortable, of course. I understand we just met a few days ago, but I feel like I've known you forever."

"Wow, that's pretty intense. And Eric Goodwin, as in the scary guy with stubble that watches over you like a hawk?"

"That's the one. He's one of my best friends, too," I laughed.

"Then who would've been the father? You said someone in prison so... holy shit!
Austin Walker?"

"Yep. But let's talk about you now," I suggested, pushing my swivel-dinner-table away from me, enabling me to scoot closer to the edge of my bed and sit criss-cross.

"Well, last year when Lissa was pregnant, she didn't want me to be at the appointment. She went down to Planned Parenthood herself, actually, and two months later, she went to New York over the summer. It was weird. She didn't call or text, and I felt the strain in our relationship. It also made me realize how it wouldn't have worked if we kept the baby, either."

"Wait, Carson. If she didn't want you at the abortion appointment and disappeared two months later for a three month summer vacation without seeing you at all, how do you know she didn't just set it up and keep the baby? It just seems kind of suspicious to me."

"I trust her, she would never do something like that to me. Unless... the baby wasn't mine," Carson widened his eyes at the ground and rubbed his forehead in worry.

"If you want, I'll help you do a bit of investigating. We can find out if there's more to the story, like if Lissa had the baby without you knowing. What do you say?"

"Sounds like a deal!" Carson half-smiled, even in light of the situation.

"My release date is Friday the 10th, so if you want, we can pay Lissa a visit the 11th?" I suggested.

"That sounds good. Thanks for doing this, Svetlana. It really means a lot."

"Anytime, and how many times have I asked you not to call me that?" I narrowed my eyes playfully.

"A lot, but I don't listen. Hey, do you want me to pick you up at your house Saturday?" Carson asked.

"Sure, I'll text it to you," I said. We'd exchanged phone numbers yesterday at Carson's request, after he'd told me that he liked to get updates about how I was doing from the real patient, not just through the hospital. I thought it was sweet.

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