twenty five | Confessions

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"I wouldn't do that if I were you, James," I warned, "Jordana might see."

❀The next dayIt was the day after my falling out with Jordana, and I was currently in my hospital room, watching re-runs of Keeping up With the Kardashians, per my sister, Bethany's, request

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The next day
It was the day after my falling out with Jordana, and I was currently in my hospital room, watching re-runs of Keeping up With the Kardashians, per my sister, Bethany's, request. The scene was Kim yelling at her mom for meddling with her life again, or something like that.

I had talked to Ryder and Eric earlier, and they told me that Jordana has been waiting outside James' door since she'd left my room last night.

James was still in the ICU, and the doctors were waiting for him to wake up, but they expected it to be any hour now.

I could walk now, with some help. I was still reeling from my near-death experience last week, and I had been in therapy twice a day since I'd woken up.

I willed myself to stare at the television screen, pretended to be interested in Khloe and Kourtney arguing about hair products as my sister tapped at her phone screen on the foldout couch. I needed to distract myself, and watching TV was currently my best option.

"Lana, Lana! James is up, and he's asking for you. Come quick!" Eric swung the door open, motioning me to hurry over.

Carson appeared again and helped me out of my bed. I slipped on my flip-flops and Carson wheeled my portable IV bag carrier beside me.

"Make sure you hold onto this, to steady yourself. I'll be right behind you," Carson added in a soothing voice.

I walked out the door on my own with no problem, making all of the doctors and nurses stop and stare. I was their electrocution victim, after all. They were surprised that I even survived, let alone felt well enough to walk to another room the day after she woke up.

"Which room?" I asked.


We were in a hallway down from 239, since I was in room 276. I continued down the hallway signs, my heart beating in my chest.

When I got there, I slid the glass door open. Since it was the ICU, the rooms were small and close together.

Jordana and Ryder were inside, but quickly skirted past me so I could enter. But that didn't mean I could see Jordana's blonde hair peek out from a separation in the glass.

She was spying, and I knew it.

"Oh, hey, Lana. It's you," James mumbled, not sound excited in the slightest.

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