Harry knows that time of the month

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   Imagine you and harry were Sleeping together because they had gaven him the day off.

    you kissed him on the lips to get him to wake up.

Y/N : good morning babe.

Harry : good morning love.

Y/N : do you want breakfast¿

Harry : that would be lovely.

Y/N : Ok, let me get dressed first.

So search for a dissent outfit for today. after that you walked into the bathroom and stripped yourself of Harry's over sized shirt. As you stepped into the shower you grabbed your shampoo scrubbed it into your hair and shortly after you put conditioner in your hair. as you stepped out of the shower you  felt warm liquid  go down your leg. You panicked you didn't want to be a bloody mess infront of Harry . all of the sudden you here a knock on the bathroom .

Harry : are you ok babe? open the door.

Y/n: no

Harry : I know you're on your period love , I bought you your products I thought you might of needed.

You walked to the door slowly, unlocked it and peeked your head out of the door and saw Harry standing there with movies, your feminine products, and your favorite candy and other junk foods. You smiled. Harry handed you your products. You close the door do what you had to do.

After that your on your way down  stairs towards the kitchen to start making breakfast when harry says

Harry: where are you going?

Y/n: making breakfast.

Harry : no I bought McDonald's on the way to the store for us.

You smiled thinking what you did to deserve a man like him. You kissed him telling him you love him and you must be the luckiest girl ever you layed down with harry the whole day eating and watching T.V.

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