Chapter One

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Melonie's POV

I pull my body out of bed and make my way to my bathroom as I try to rub the sleep from my eyes. "Melonie!" I hear my mothers voice echo through the box filled house. I let out a groan, wondering what on earth could she possibly want at 6am.

"Yea?" I respond as I look at my messed up brown hair that surly has 20 knots in it by now. Note to self, long hair is only pretty when well brushed and conditioned.

"I just wanted to make sure that you were awake!" I know I can't see her, but I know she's smiling. It's something that she does all the time when things are getting bad again. She smiles to make sure we think everything is okay, me and Jesse at least- since das is clearly aware of our financial problems. Mom believes in that whole mind over matter crap, which I don't. If I'm cold, I'm cold and if we're broke, we're broke.

"But, there is something your father and I need to discuss with you and Jesse when you're done getting ready for school!" That's never good, waiting to know what she wants to talk about. It probably has to do with moving, again. We've moved three times in the past two years, which is a little crazy but the budget just keeps getting tighter and tighter.

After what feels like a year, I'm done with my shower and brushing through my long hair. I cringe when I see all the hair that came out from the knots. Whatever, perks of being a girl I guess. I pull my jeans and sweatshirt on before grabbing my keys and shoes, practically running down the stairs to where mom has toast and sausage made.

"So, as you both know tomorrow morning we will officially be moving out and into a different home." We both nod, understanding what she's saying. "Your father and I are so so," she breathes in a shaky breath as her eyes begin to redden.

"Stop it," I sigh, shaking my head. "You guys are doing the best you can and that's enough for us."

"Exactly." Jesse nods and I turn my head to him. Mom and dad shouldn't even still be supporting him, he's 25 and done with college already. He needs to move out and get a place of his own. He needs to be responsible for once in his life, he needs to grow up instead of partying with his friends every night.

I scoff before grabbing my bag and walking out of the front door just as the school bus pulls up. Getting on it, I make my way to the back, keeping my head low and my keys quiet.

People proceed to throw paper balls and shoot spit balls at each other, one hitting me directly in my face.

I turn around, a scowl on my face.

"Uh-oh, Mel-Mel is mad!" Krissy shouts in her high pitched voice as I roll my eyes at the blonde with a bust bigger than most implants.

"Oh no, did daddy go broke again?" They laugh as I take my seat, leaning my head back and putting my earphones in, trying to tune out the billionaire teens who got their porches and Audis taken away as punishment for not polishing their gold.

I snicker at my way of thinking as the bus begins to move away from my house. My house is the crappy one right before the big houses that probably should have their own zip code, but an owner can't have everything.

I pass by the same kid I've seen every day of my live since kindergarten in the hallways at school. He doesn't offer a nod or a wave, but instead he offers a snicker and a bad pick up line.

"Hey baby, you remind me of the 20 letters of the alphabet." He smirks at me and I roll my eyes. This has become a daily thing, one day he almost kissed me. It's all for his buddies kicks and giggles though.

"You're so stupid," I sigh, tired of this day-to-day nonsense.

"What?" He raises his eyebrows.

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