The Beginning

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You groggily opened your eyes in the dim sunlight, wiping the drool off your face and the leftover mascara on your eyes. The one day you had off from you're draining job... spent waking up early for a dentist appointment. You sighed as you crawled out of the cocoon of bed sheets you created for yourself, stretching your arms and heading to the bathroom where you washed your face, slightly waking you up. Sighing, you wandered to the kitchen, pouring yourself a stale bowl of Frosted Flakes. " only day off..." you grumbled. The morning was spent of you scrolling through your phone, until you checked the time: 7:05... the realization of the fact that you were running late smacked you acrossed the face. You shot up and sprinted to your room, throwing on some random clothes and slapping some simple makeup on your face. You snatched your car keys and hurriedly put your hair in a ponytail as you busted out of your cramped apartment and into your run down car.

The engine sputtered as you drove as if a dying man. The car smelled of a dying man too. You didn't really have room to argue, the car was cheap, but it got the job done... minimally. You pulled up to the office and nearly Usain-Bolt ran inside. A receptionist with glasses smiled.
"Name?" She asked.
"Y/N L/N" you panted.
"Dr. L will be with you shortly."
You plopped down on the couch, still tired, stressed, generally upset, and read through a cheap magazine.
The dental assistant opened the door to the waiting room. "Y/N?" no answer. "Y/N??" your head looked up from your magazine and set it down quickly. "Sorry..." you apologized. You followed the woman into one of the open rooms. You sat in the dental chair and watched the news on the TV, "Breaking news, caution to anyone in the Gotham area recent reports of mass destruc-" your attention was diverted when a massive needle came into your view. "You may feel a pinch." The dental assistant stated.

Before you had time to react the sharp needle stabbed into your gum. You gripped onto the leather chair, digging in with your long nails. The pain stung for what seemed like hours until the woman pulled the anasthesia out, throwing the syringe in the trash. Without saying anything, she left, leaving you holding onto your cheek. "I hate the dentist..."
The entire experience was brutal. Your tooth was drilled, things were stabbed at you, water spewed everywhere and the air suction thingy was out of control. However you couldn't really argue, your job was shit and so was your insurance, resorting you to this hell hole. As the tooth was finally sealed, Dr. L left to get you some toothpaste and floss. You sat impatiently and frustrated, waiting so you could leave. Your attention averted to the news once again. "Attention all Gotham residents, remain indoors at all times... *muffled* blah blah blah terrorist blah blah blah criminal blah blah Joker..." you heard other employees gasp in different rooms. Your mind was so boggled from the heavy doses of anasthesia that all you wanted to do was leave, ignoring the TV. Where is the dentist?? You thought to yourself. What is taking him so fucking long?

Joker's POV

The dentist. The perfect plan. I knew what I needed, and what I needed wasn't just something I could buy. The hospitals? No, that was too predictable. All of the local ones had maximum security because of this very reason. I needed 7 gallons of laughing gas, 2 of anasthesia, and some syringes. What an easier way to get what I want than the dentist? Nobody will see it coming.

Your POV

You picked at your nails, dying of boredom in the bland room. You throw your head back and stare at the ceiling, huffing a strand of hair out of your face. You feel dizzy, the whole side of your face numb, yet aching with pain. You watch the clock. Tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock....


Shrieks filled the entire building as crowds pushed and crowded out of the smoke filled catastrophe.  Henchmen poured into the office like liquid, filling up every space and carrying heavy machine guns. The anasthesia and smoke combined swirled in your head, making you nauseous and shaken. You watched as henchmen marched out of the office carrying larges boxes full of who knows what. HAH HAH HAHHH echoed through the air. fuck... you thought to yourself as you swiftly hid in the corner.

You then heard gunshots, lots of them. Your ears rang with every emitting bullet. What you heard next was worse, corpses falling to the ground, crying, terror. You held your knees and sobbed in the corner, covering your ears. Abruptly, it stopped. "That's the last of 'em boss." A voice called.
"Clear out." Ordered another. You froze. You knew that voice... that famous voice. Your stomach churned. A figure walked down the hallway and stopped in your vision. You knew who it was and it made you sick. The green hair... the tattoos... the iconic laugh. You were in the presence of the Joker himself. You grasped your hand over your mouth, avoiding making any possible noise. Smoke filled the room, your eyes watered, your head spun. You couldn't hold it in anymore. You threw up.

Immediately eyes were on you

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Immediately eyes were on you. Your hands shook uncontrollably as tears spewed down your face. "Hold on, boss." A goon called out. "We missed one."

Footsteps approached you. You covered your eyes, swearing that all of Gotham could hear how fast your heart was racing. "Well well wELL..." Joker spoke as he snaked around the corner, into the room. "Looks like the cat's out of the bag huh?" He smiled a wicked smile, circling you like prey. "My, my... such a pretty pretty face..." he whispered, grabbin your chin roughly, making you look at him. You sat there, unable to say a word. "Now let's see, should I kill you...?" He laughed menacingly. "No, no... that would be muchh too nice of me." he slowly shook his finger and whispered "bad things happen to those who try to trick with the Joker."

He grabbed a handfull of your long hair and dragged you upwards roughly. "Load her up with the rest of the boxes." He grinned as he threw you to his goons.

Oh shit.......

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