Chapter 7: Blurred

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   The ongoing ray of lights immediately halted as the Lambohrgini screeched to a stop. You flew forward, catching yourself on the dashboard. Should have kept that seatbelt on. You glared at the psychopath sitting next to you. "My fault, dollface." He held up his pale hands in mock surrender. You shudder at the way he maniacly grins at you, looking you up and down like a snake and it's prey. The Joker grips your chin, lightly slapping the side of your face. "We're gonna have so much fun tonight." He purrs, gazing into your petrified eyes. You shuddered as he said this, breaking away from his cold ringed palms.
    He opened the vehicle door and stepped outside,  over exaggerating a deep breath of fresh air. He looked over his shoulder at you, shivering frigidly against the leather seats of his car. "Well aren't you gonna come out, doll?" He persuaded. You reluctantly opened the other Lambohrgini door, brushing your hands against the cold gold encrusted handle. Your bare feet stung against the rocky pavement as you padded towards him, crossing your arms insecurely as your exposed body illuminated under the flashing street lights. "Come to daddy..." he groaned, rolling his eyes to the back of his head as you approached him.
    The Joker gripped your arm, dragging you along with him. Where am I? You were beyond the point of asking questions, this was usual by now. He guided you to a strip along the street, covered in bustling cars and flashing neon lights. Signs brightened the midnight sky, blinding the once ever so distinctive blanket of stars. People crowded along the streets, all wearing luxury clothing and waiting in large crowds in front of various places, specifically one. The building was decorated in gold, with large glossy windows and diamond like lights circling a small door. Large men in black stood at the front, blocking all access to entrance.
    He began to walk you down the busy street when you halted in the shadow before the commotion. "I'm practically naked." You hiss, stubbornly planting your feet on the sidewalk. He charismaticly ran his finger down your cheek, staring into your soul. "Darling life could use a little nudity here and there, don't you agree?" He now forcefully shoved you ahead of him, still gripping your arm as the blinding collection of lights drove attention to the scene.

    Mixed emotions filled the entire crowd, not knowing what to react to. First, half naked girl... Second, she's covered in bruises... third... is that the Joker. Gasps of shock echoed from the once vibrant area. Movement became still, and silence cloaked the night. The gathering parted like oil and water, creating a path for the odd pair to walk down. Only the sound of your bare feet pattering and the Joker's shoes filled the gaping hole of emptiness. Dirty looks fell upon you, burning into your mind, some of pity, some of disgust, some of lust... all things you wanted to avoid at the moment. You turned your head back to the man directly behind you. He was tall compared to you, your face only meeting his white half unbuttoned dress shirt, accompanied with those chains you were fond of. Everyone was glaring at you two, everyone, it was as if it were you against the world. You looked back again, looking into his mad blue eyes. There was a form of comfort you found against the warmth of his body, the firm grip on your arm. How strange. You looked back at the crowd, becoming angry. They didn't understand, why would they judge so fast. It didn't make sense. Nothing did.
                This very moment changed you.
    He walked you past the two large guards, skipping the line continuous for what seemed like miles and entering the beaded doorway. You jumped as heavy music immediately pounded against your ear drum, along with the screams and shouts of various thrill seekers. "The Laugh and Smile" hung over the wall, blinking in flashing gold letters... the name of the Joker's club. A gathering of henchmen in black suits surrounded you, escorting you to an open room.
     The beaded strands from the ceiling reflected the vibrant lights, showing as a window to the dance floor. Crowds hollered like dogs, all dancing wildly, slamming into eachother. Your bare skin stuck to the white leather booth as the Joker tossed you down, proceeding to sit in acrossed from you. A wicked smile returned to his face as he examined you, gripping his purple cane. The goons remained, yet he waved them away, leaving the two of you all alone.
     "Y/N, Y/N, Y/N...." he trailed on, inching closer to you suavely. "Tell me about yourself, pretty thing." He whispered, almost hypnotically. You fell in those mad blue eyes once more, exploring every individual stray line, becoming lost.
   You broke away from the trance.
    "I..." you pondered, thinking about your answer. "Well I like to-"
   He cut you off, putting his finger to your lips swiftly. "I already know it all, dollface. Lemme guess, typical average living girl, growing up not so special. You were smart enough to get by, but nothing more nothing less. You were caught up in your wild days, then mommy and daddy shut that down real quick, huh? You spent time working hard, for what? Mediocre career, although you dedicated so much to what you hoped would be much more. You've been contained all your life, dollface, even by yourself."

   You froze, shocked by his accuracy. You brokr eye contact and stared into the blank distance,  furrowing your brow. How? You returned to his stare, never have you felt so... naked. He knew everything. How?????? Fear filled your veins. HOW?? IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. You felt yourself shake in confusion. "" you muttered weakly. You brushed a strand of hair out of your eyes, unaware of how to respond. He didn't answer, he only edged nearer.
    "Well there's no need to be scared... I mean isn't it oh so obvious?" His metal teeth glimmered as he laughed, slamming a palm on the table, like he was saying duh.
"As I was saying doll, why don't we get you out of that containment, shall we?" He whistled, greeted by a terrified waiter. "Get me a Purple Poison, will ya?" The waiter dashed away hurridly. You shivered at the name. "Oh don't sweat it, it's not actual poison." He cackled. "I call it medicine to be frank. "




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