Chapter 9: Daylight

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    The sun glistened against your eyes through the small window in your room, making you disappointed to be greeted with the dull prison once more. You wiped the crusted drool off of your face and let your hair down from it's messy bun, having it fall down your back. You swung your legs over the mattress on the floor, feeling sharp pains all over your body. Ignoring them, and your splitting hangover, you wandered to the small bathroom. As you passed by the mirror, you froze, reversing to see your damages reflection. Bruises and cuts coated your entire body, covering up more than your actual skin. Your arms and legs were covered in various shades of red and purple, along with deep gashes in your stomach. Your face portrayed a hollow shell of your former self, slimmer, hungrier... lifeless. Your fingers trailed against the cuts, wincing in pain. What happened last night? What most disturbed you was your neck and chest, spotted with an uncountable number of large hickeys. You shudder, hopping into the shower to get your mind off of things.
    You pulled back the curtain to the shower only to jolt back in shock, staring in disgust and fear at the sight. A dead pig lay in the middle of the tub, it's neck and stomach sliced down with a large butcher knife. Blood oozed from it, trailing into the drains and painting the shower a red color. You let out a petrified scream and scrambled backwards, hitting your back against the wall. You continue to scream, staring at the awful sight before you. "Well no need to be scared, doll." You hear an all too familiar voice coming from behind you. Him. You turn around in fear, now jolting when you see the Joker hovering closely behind you. How long was he here? You narrow your eyes at him, and at his crude sense of humor. How could this be a game to him? "Didn't you like my present?" He grinned, tilting his head to the side. You brushed past him, walking towards your mattress on the floor. By this point he could kill you for all you cared.
    He prowled after you, nearly stepping on your heels with each step. You whipped around in annoyance. "Is there anything I can help you with?" you cross your arms angrilly.
    "Well, doll..." he trailed his finger down your lip. "There actually is." A smile grew on his face. "I mean after that absolutely great night we had last night..." you looked up at him angrilly. He knew you never planned what had happened that night. He knew you didn't even know what happened.
"... you could accompany me to run some errands?" He purred in your ear, making it seem as if you didn't even have a choice. You nodded your head, feeling the warmth of his face next to yours. "Good girl." He patted your cheek and walked towards the door. He glanced back at you before the door slammed "You have 20 minutes to get ready, Frost will take you to the car." You flinched at the bang of the door on the wall as it closed shut.
   You meandered to the closet, furrowing your brow when you saw the rather revealing outfit picked for you by the Joker. You slipped on the tight leather crop top, along with a black pair of high waisted leather pants to match. A set of black combat boots a came with the set. Underneath all of the clothes you were suprised to find your old cosmetic bag, filled with your mediocre collection full of drug store makeup. However, in your mindset, it wasn't about the makeup itself, it was the makeup artist. You did your best to comb through your hair and do your basic makeup routine, along with a smokey eye and burgundy matte lipstick to accent your outfit. Everything almost felt normal, like it was getting ready in your small apartment. Your daze was interrupted by a harsh knock on the door.
   "20 minutes is up." Yelled an unfamiliar voice, you figured it must be "Frost"... whoever that was.
   You stepped outside of the room, once again in shock at the divine scenery of the house. You never really did have time to completely admire the place, but then again today wasn't that time either. A large man stood in front of the doorway, gaping down on you like David and Golliath. Frost was not one for words, he simply gripped your arm and rushed you down the hallway, urgent to meet his boss' orders. You nearly toppled down the stairway as he hurried you along. The front door swung open and there you were, out in the open. How long had it been since you had seen direct sunlight? How long had it been since you smelt the air? Smog and pollution clouded the sky, making you cough and immediately regret going outside. What a strange place it was that the Joker himself abided in.
    The walls seemed rusted and dirty, yet the building depicted the vibe of pure wealth and power over Gotham. Neon vegas-like lights glowed on various parts of the building, all claiming it as his own. This was his territory. You couldn't help but admire the thrown together, yet so articulate detailing... all leaving his mark. The lights shaped into different figures, some saying "HA HA HA" some saying "J", some with jesters, depicting a true form of ultimate power. No explanation was necessary for these signs, everyone just... knew. The industrial like building seemed to be more beautiful than any luxury mansion you had ever seen. A stolen statue of Batman layed on it's side on the concrete, a big crack formed in the head. The rubble of a bird statue scattered next to it, all such strange forms of art, yet everyone knew. You had no time to gawk for too long, Frost hurried you along. He was on an extrememly tight schedule. You complied with no troubles, mostly due to the fact that you were mesmerized by such bizarre decor. The loud revving of a vehicle sparked your attention, viewing the metallic purple Lambohrgini reflecting the light of day with radiant beams. None other than the Joker was at the steering wheel, a smile growing on his face as he watched you approach.
   The car entrance opened and you slid inside, admiring the white and gold decor surrounding you. "Well hellooo gorgeous." The Joker purred, looking you up and down in your skin hugging outfit. You let out a giggle, abruptly stopping and returning to your cold poker face. You stared ahead, avoiding those icy blue eyes penetrating your thoughts. "I'd wish I could say the same..." you sassily remarked. Your subconscious nagged at you. You knew you were contradicting yourself, that unbuttoned shirt, those gold chains you absolutely adored... not to mention the- STOP! !!! You cut yourself off from your thoughts and firmly stared out the window, forcing anything and everything from your brain. "That's not what you said last night, dollface." He sang as he trailed his hand up your thigh. BOUNDARIES!!!!!!!!!!! You turned and firmly gazed at him, hoping to intimidate him. Your eyes narrowed and your nose slightly wrinkled, yet your hard glare was no match for his. His eyes and yours fought a silent battle, but no matter how hard you tried, you stood no chance. You broke eye contact and returned to the window, brushing his hand off your thigh.
    "Well are you going to drive or what?" You crossed your arms in annoyance.


   The Lambohrgini skidded out of the driveway, screeching against the asphalt with every sharp turn. "Where are we going?" You tilted your head to the side questioningly. The Joker turned to you, laughing along with the blasting engine of his vehicle. "You don't wanna ruin the surprise, do ya?"


    The car slammed to a halt, however you were prepared this time and caught yourself on the leather seat. This was a very proud moment considering the various head injuries you probably sustained through this entire journey. The Joker exited the car, prowling ahead into a brick building. You slammed the door closed and rushed after him confusedly. "Hey?! Heyy?! Where are you going?!" You caught up to him and grabbed his arm. "Where are we what are you doing?" The grin on his face had grown, accompanied with a predatory look in his eyes. It frightened you. "Follow my lead." You looked up and saw the sign above the entrance to the building you were about to enter. Gotham City Bank. You paused. "Waaiit a minute, I am NOT going to be involved in any bank robberies what so ever." You planted your feet on the ground and crossed your arms.

   He turned on his heels and stomped towards you, laughing slowly. "Dollface don't you have any fun?"

"I'd rather not get arrested, dishonored, killed?!"

"Well in all honesty, I got you here so your practically arrested, dollface. You already dishonored yourself last night. AND I thought you weren't afraid to die, hm?"

Rage boiled within you. What was all this bullshit about last night? "What even happened last night?" You snapped.

"Oh you really wanna know, dollface?"


#cliffhanger #lol #im #sorry #i #havent #been #writing #im #trash #okay

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