Chapter 11: Entrance

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The sound of police sirens faintly echoed in the distance. You held your head in your hands, staring into the floor of the van. The ride back was... lonely. As the adrenaline faded, you realized you were alone. You weren't in the Lambohrgini, instead cramped in the van such as cargo. Is that all you were? Cargo? You placed your hand against the foggy window, examining the outside... how long had it been since you were free. You lost track of time. You were losing track of yourself. How could the purest of hate transform into something so strange? How much you hated that plain room you were imprisoned in. How much you hated the dusty van you were hauled in. Yet how much you wanted to be riding shotgun in the speeding fluorescent vehicle ahead of you.

You stepped outside of the rear of the van as it came to a halt, basking in the gloomy weather. You felt used... just another victim. A couple yards away there stood the Joker, sleeking his hair back as he threw his keys to a goon to park it. You didn't put up a fight with the other goons this time, you had no desire or method to make the elaborate plan of escaping. Two of the men followed behind you closely, guiding you to your secluded room.

You trailed through the mazed house, annoyed at the large goons hovering over your shoulder. You reached the small room at the end of the hall and watched as the men unlatched the door and ushered you inside. This is all I am to him. You slumped onto your mattress, the door clicking as the the sound of goons marching faded into the endless hallway. You crossed your arms, slumping your head back and staring at the ceiling. Time was an ongoing void. You waited in your prison every day, at least until the Joker would burst in when he needed you to pull off a heist. You reached for a pillow and chucked it at the wall, running your hands through your hair in agony. This was hell. A mild hell. Yet through this hell, you watched yourself transform into something that belonged there. Those thoughts that you just couldn't deny, those feelings you thought you lost a long time ago were there the whole time, haunting you into some sort of... psycho.

You stood up from your mattress and stomped to the door, banging on it loudly. "Hello?! Helloooo??" You called out, attempting to snag the attention of a nearby goon. Your relentless efforts eventually payed off when you heard a deep voice on the outside of your sanctuary. "Damn what do you want?" A goon... just what you were looking for. "I would like to speak to the Joker." You leaned on the wall as you spoke, picking at the edges of your nails. "He might be busy." You began to grow impatient. You were a very busy person before you were kidnapped. "It's important,"


You waited for around 30 minutes, exhasperatedly trying to entertain yourself with the drag provisions given. The Joker didn't bother knocking, the door unlocking as he bursted inside. You seemed to have forgot how intimidating he was up close... his mad eyes, his predatory stance. Anything however was better than staring at a blank wall for hours on end. He looked at you questioningly. "I really don't like it in here, Joker." You lightly rose from the floor and padded towards him. "Anything... anything but this. I can't take it." Your eyes pleaded towards him for relief. You had submitted to the torture you had recieced. You were done. You gave up. Fighting was useless at this point.

The Joker took long steps towards you, gazing down at you from his tall perspective. "What exactly did you have in mind, dollface?" A grin grew acrossed his face. He was scheming. You could tell from the deceptive look in his icy cold eyes. "I can't make you a deal without an offer."

You schemed as well in your thoughts. What would be something worth something to the Joker? What do you have to offer? One idea sparked interest in your mind. You lifted your finger and started your sentence before you cut yourself off abruptly. Prostitution isn't an option. "I'll do anything." You pleaded, gazing into the depths of his eyes. He paced around you in a circle, eyeing you up and down.

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