Chapter 5: Awakening

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   Your eyes fluttered open, wishing this all was just a nightmare. It wasn't, nonetheless you hoped so every agonizing day. You adjusted to your sights only to still be in the same room, pitch black, only with a flickering dim lamp shining above you. It seemed as if it had been days... who knows, maybe even a week that you remained strapped to the cold metal table. Nobody came to check on you ever since the night. You hadn't eaten, drank, showered... it was worse than death itself. You had lost any sense of time, it could have been midnight or noon... it didn't matter. The feeling of your body slowly dying lingered in your many thoughts... it was only a mater of time now.

   You gazed into the dusty lamp hanging above you, swaying ever so slightly. You followed it's movements with your retina, using it as your only source of entertainment. Creek, creek, creek. You watched it swing, just ever so slightly in the air. You wondered what would happen if it fell on you, burning your skin with it's heat, making you feel more than the continuous numbness. Your mind throbbed and was fried, making it hurt to move.

   Despite the pain your head shot up in relief as the door swung open. A human... A HUMAN. You tried to speak, but it hurt to even breathe. Your eyes narrowed as you realized which human it was. The Joker appeared in the low illumination of the light. "Heyy there, doll face." You glared into his mad blue eyes. You hated him, you absolutely hated him. Your life meant nothing to you anymore, it was practically already gone. Living here, that was worse than any possible torture.

    "kill me." You looked him dead in the eyes, but his smirked expression didn't wipe off his face. He out of nowhere busted out cackling, looking at your pathetic state. "Kill me." You repeated, slightly raising your voice. "I wouldn't use that tone, doll." He sang, shaking his finger in your face like you were a dog. "KILL ME." You yelled now, your voice cracking in between your sentence.

"Wow you rEALLY are a fiesty one aren't you?" He grabbed your cheeks and smooshed them. "I'm sure you'd be excellent under the covers, don't you think so?" You shook your head in disgust. "I'd rather die. Kill me, I don't care. DO IT." You snapped.
   "Oh, really? You'd rather die?" He circled around you laughing. "If I don't recall, I remember specifically you begging me for some of this, didn't you?" He crept his hand up your leg and stopped abruptly. " 'Oh wait, please!!!! ' " he mocked your words you said prior.

   You gritted your teeth. He was going to not only kill you, but humiliate you doing so? This was enough. "Why don't you just kill me, huh?" You challenged. He brushed off your hostile behavior and simply gawked at you, not saying a word. A large grin plastered his face as he snickered. "What?" You furrowed your brow.

  The Joker laughed, looking at your outfit, a tattered shirt and pink panties, along with your shaggy hair and dark circles. You were decorated with various burns and gashes, a work of art in his eyes. What a mess you have become... his mess.

"Load her up." Was the last thing you heard before you were swallowed by a large sack, being dragged up the splintered stairs.


   The stinging flash of light pounded against your eyes as you were pulled out of the brown sack. You hissed and covered your face with your palms. You adjusted to the sight, hearing the goons leave the room. A lock on the door clicked. You looked up at the large windows, gaping pools of light to illuminate the bedroom. Turning around to see, you were in absolute astonishment.

   It was simple, but it was gorgeous compared to your previous state. A mattress lay on the floor, covered in a white silk sheets. A closet pouring with clothes lay agape... mostly purple. To the corner was a small bathroom with merely the essentials, a toilet, sink and shower. In relief you undressed your worn clothes and headed for the shower.

   The warm water stung against your tender wounds, however soon becoming relaxing and tranquil as the heat submerged your thoughts. It helped your mind clear as you scrubbed the dirt and dried blood off your delicate skin. You found a bar of soap dantilly sitting on the shelf and you used it, exfoliating your abused body.

   You rested your head in the steady stream of water, reflecting... when was he going to kill you? How was this going to end? You no longer wanted to ponder this, shutting of the water and wrapping a towel around you. Your clothes were ruined now, unwearable. You sighed and walked to the closet, frowning, hoe clothes galore. You managed to find a simple purple crop top and a pair of high waisted jeans... decent enough.

   While you were taking a shower you didn't realize something was placed on the bed... a strawberry yogurt with granola. You weakly stumbled to it, scarfing down every last drop. An envelope sat below your plate oddly.

   You ripped the letter open cautiously, this is the Joker we're talking about here, it could be a tiny bomb. You were relieved to find just a small piece of paper inside. It was written sloppily.

See you tonight, dollface.
~ J

   You threw the note acrossed the room in horror. You were losing your sense of thought. He brought you here. He tortured you. HE killed all of those innocent people. You didn't know where you were... nobody did!! You slumped to the floor and hugged your knees, rocking back and forth. The future was blurred. No path was clear. Tears fell down your face and you ran your fingers through your hair. Your life had spun so far out of control in such little time. Perhaps you were becoming crazy.








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