Chapter 4: No Pain, No Gain

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You watched his hand creep slowly up your leg, approaching a dangerous place. You did your best to close your legs, shivering at his touch. "What's the matter, doll? Afraid?" He snaked his way around your waist, refusing to break eye contact. "Come onnnnn, you know you want to..." The Joker's eyes peered into your soul. Did you want to? You felt your legs gradually relax, but immediately they snapped shut. Don't fall for it. This is the Joker we're talking about here. He's crazy. "I can make you feel sooooo good, doll face." He whispered in your ear, traveling his ring covered hands to your hip bone, inches away from your area. No. He's trying to trick you, Don't do it.

You closed your eyes as his hand grew nearer and nearer. Pretend he's really ugly, and non-sexual, like a toenail or a grandpa of yours. You paused at the realization of what you just thought. You don't have to pretend, he IS unattractive. You forced your brain to embed that into your mindset, but you couldn't help thinking about those sculpted abs, along with those sexy gold chains, and the tattoos on his chest... who knows what was under his- STOP!!!!! You forced yourself to think clearly. You submerged from your thoughts as you felt his firm hand rubbing against your area. Your mind told you to resist, to fight back... but your body wanted more and you knew it. Uncontrollably you let out a slight moan, barely detectable, but the Joker immediately noticed and grinned menacingly. "Ohhh, so you do like this, don't you, Y/N?" He didn't wait for an answer, the Joker had you in his control, and he was going to use it for the whole night...


The Joker didn't waste any time. He stood up and unbuckled his pants, tossing his gold plated belt to the side and pulling down his pants, revealing a large bulge in his purple boxers. You didn't know whether to be terrified or excited. The only thing your mind said was no no no however your body thought otherwise. "You want this doll face?" He cackled and pulled his member out of his briefs. You tried to turn away, but you were intrigued. It was massive, you almost didn't know if you could handle it.

You had to keep focused, don't forget what he did. He just killed dozens of people... KIDS. You furrowed your brow and looked away from his dick in disgust. "Oh come on Y/N... don't pretend like you're morally just..." he purrs, analyzing your every feeling. "You're into this, and it's not hiding, doll face..." he smirked, gesturing to your instinctively spread out legs. Your face turned bright red and you flustered, shaking your head in false denial.

His hands strategically brushed down on your clit, still hidden within your jean shorts. You couldn't help but grip the leather straps in pleasure, throwing your head back and gazing into the ceiling. Your subconscious nagged at you. HE'S CRAZY, DON'T DO IT! AAAAAIIIIIEEEEEEEEE but for once you pushed it aside. Another moan escaped from your lips, this time you didn't bother to muffle it. The Joker rolled his eyes to the back of his head at this sound with a growl.

His hand sped up and you felt a rush of cool air hit your crotch as the shorts fell to the ground. The sensation was blinding your any remaining ounce of common sense. The touch was even more pleasurable now, much closer... oh what a feeling it was. More moans escaped from you, just lightly. You jolted your head up when he stopped suddenly, leaving you madly frustrated. Your attention was diverted to his, now even larger, rock solid dick, throbbing and hungry for pleasure as well. "Say 'aaaaaah'." The Joker purred.

Before you could react the Joker pulled down your jaw and rammed his cock in your mouth. He roughly trusted at the back of your throat, making you gag. "Fuck, Y/N... such a good girl." He gripped his hands in your hair and thrusted even harder, giving you little control. Meanwhile your heat thobbed in desperation. You needed more, you definitely needed more.

The craving took over you, your body begged for the Joker's touch once more. You tried to speak between multiple thrusts, but nothing was tangible. You tried making muffled noises, but he didn't respond, he only continued, speeding up as his climax neared. You felt him twitch as a substance oozed into your mouth. He let out a roar of triumph and immediately took his dick out, not hesitating to walk over to his pants and slip them back on. "Be a doll, and swallow that for me, Y/N." You followed with doing what you were told. It was so fast... it was so... He began to walk away as if nothing ever happened, like you didn't exist. You panicked in desperation. "W-Wait!" You called out.

He slowly turned around, a grin plastered on his face. He saw you hunched over, sweaty, and gasping. He could tell you needed him. A smile spread from his ear to ear as he approached you slowly. Your mind relaxed, he was going to finish... The Joker bent over to your ear, whispering as his hand climbed up your thigh. Contrary to your thoughts, he purred "I would, Y/N... but why would I ruin the fun for tomorrow?" Your eyes widened as he walked out of the cold basement. A groan of frustration echoed from you, angrilly.

You gazed into the lamp he left flickering on your now damaged body. It took you a second to process the recent events. You were covered in scars, some still freshly bleeding. Your shorts were off and you were still in your panties, worst of all, hot and bothered from the Joker. Your subconscious returned and you were disgusted in yourself, how could you possibly enjoy that. One day with this lunatic and you were already different. Your eyes gazed into the never ending darkness as you traced the scratches coating your body with your finger. Your hair was matted and sweaty, and you were absolutely exhausted.

All you could do now was reflect. Who am I?

What the fuck just happened?


Hey guys thaankk you so fucking much for reading!!!!! Sorry I haven't updated that much my parents are actual pieces of shit so :))) BUT I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! COMMENT IDEAS PLSSSSS


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