Chapter 12: Survival

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    The rain began to pour over the murky city, exentuating the gloomy mood. You felt forlorn, as if you predicted your upcoming death, or life spent behind the cold bars of Arkham Asylum. How can you exactly fight Batman? Mr. J- I MEAN JOKER, can't even fight Batman. How can I? You contemplated your options. Your boots clicked against the stone pavement as you walked towards the edge of the skyscraper, peering down at the bottom of the Gotham streets. It was a far jump. You would definitely die. For a split second, you considered it. What even was death. You no longer feared it, for you had already died. Yet you just couldn't urge yourself to do it...

"YOU THERE!" a deep voice rasped from behind you. It was time. You whipped around and gaped at the hooded figure. Batmam sped towards you at an alarming rate, his cape shadowing behind.

"Batman!" You held your hands in the air, showing a sign of surrender. He halted his movement for attack. "Thank god it's you. You remember me?" You pleaded, staring up at his tall perspective. "I've been hostage for that clown for weeks it has been absolutely terrible." You fakely sobbed, burying your face in your palms.

"You must be the girl Joker was holding captive in the parking lot. I recognize you... Don't worry, you're okay." He stepped towards you to guide you to safety.

"NO DONT TOUCH ME!" you over dramatically bellowed, making Batman flinch. "It was just TERRIBLE you wouldn't BELIEVE the stuff he did to me!!!"

"Okay ma'am I understand that but I need to get you to safety. Joker was said to have killed a man from this very spot." geez - batman thought.

"TAKE ONE STEP CLOSER AND ILL JUMP." you continued your act, solomly walking near the edge. You daintily held your hand over your head such as a madam in distress.

A pause came from Batman as he listened to his ear piece. "Young female, *(description)" he looked up at you, realizing you matched the killer criteria.

"Ma'am I'm going to need you to cooperate. I'm going to have to take you into custody,"

    Your heart raced a million beats per second. Jail. Custody. Prison. For LIFE. Your hoax was up. You tensed up, petrified to turn around to face the masked man. You only stared below, hopeless on what to do. That was until you saw it. A way out. A way you could possibly make it. Your head whipped around, head on head with the Bat. "Bye, bye!" You waved, blowing a delicate kiss. You took one giant step, leading off the building and into the smog filled darkness of the night.

   The wind slapped your face as you leaped, shooting you down with the relentless speed of a bullet. Your stomach churned as you stared at your destination. I miss this, I die. A halfway torn banner swung at the edge of the building, loosely hanging on worn out strings. Your heart dropped as it approached, closer and closer by every inch. How free you felt, almost as if not a single thing mattered. You liked that. You liked being able to focus on nothing but the colors of the city, and the rush through your veins. NOW!

   You leaned in close to the side of the building, causing your shoulder to burn against the rough speeding terrain of pavement. You winced yet ignored the pain, lifting your arms up and gripping the side of the banner. The speed jerked to a stop and your arms snagged onto it, lunging upwards and down with a slow bounce. You were only 2 stories up now, dangling under the illumination of the Gotham lights. 3... 2... 1...

   You let go of the banner and toppled to the ground, landing on an awkard position of sitting on your leg. It might be broken. You panted as you basked under the stars, not only to realized that you were being chased by Batman. You drug yourself to a crawl, inching towards the van in which you could go home. Was it home? Every bone in your body felt shattered. Your tail bone ached, as well as your leg and your ribcage. You weakly lifted up an arm and scratched at the door.

   Inside the van two goons fell silent. They were making a wager as to if you would make it or not. This was a suspected easy job for them. Wait out at night for a few hours and go home, neither expecting you to come back. Nobody did. Not even the Joker. "Is that..." one started.

"Oh fuck nah man it cant be..." another hushed, worriedly staring at the ground.

"I think I should check..."

"No man there aint no way she made it, it was a trap for her we all know that man." The scratching intensified outside as a muffled voice spoke. Both of them nervously shifted.

   The first goon slid open the van door to be greeted with shock. A bloody and battered Y/N whimpered outside, struggling to even speak.
"H-he's coming. Help..." you wheezed, watching your blood ooze onto the rocky sidewalk. Hesitantly a goon reached out for your hand, attempting to pull you from the ground into the van. You slid in, pulling yourself up with your uninjured arm to balance yourself on the benches installed inside the van. You propped yourself against the wall, feeling dazed and lost. Your mind swirled and your sense of vision became a confusing flash of colora and unidentifiable faces. You could feel yourself drifting from conciousness, the temptation of sleep overwhelming you. You tried to focus ahead of you, yet the your energy depleted. You felt yourself slump down,

and everything went black....




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