The Punishment- Chapter 2

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What if he makes me stay really late? What if this goes on my permanent record? What if I can't get to the hospital to see my brother before visiting hours are over? 

Trying to calm myself down, I start to head up to his office at precisely 3:55pm. I wanted to leave go leave my office around 3:30 just to be on the safe side but it took forever to fire so many people. One particular individual--who happened to only be a mail man and make $8.00 an hour--became so angry over being fired that he threatened me and even tried to act on a threat. One quick kick to the nuts and a knee to the nose as he was going down took care of that threat. Of course I still hit the panic button located under my desk to have him removed by security. That's just standard procedure when somebody gets a little rowdy. He was the only one to get violent, the rest either cried or cussed and left. I preferred the anger above the tears. It was hard to stuff down my compassion and get the job down, but I had to do it. 

As I stepped off the elevator, I checked my watch. 3:57pm. As soon as the elevator doors slid open, I rushed over to his assistants desk only to find she wasn't there. Now what? Normally I would sit and wait, but seeing as I'm really pressed for time and I'm not sure how long this conversation or punishment will take, I quickly walk up to his door and knock after only a moment's hesitation. 

"Come in Ms. Perry," I hear him say. My hands are a little sweaty from the nerves so I wipe them off before opening the door. Gross. Get a hold of yourself, Elena. 

In my defense, I've never had reason to directly deal with the CEO of Delfire. I'd never even gotten any mark or blemish on my record. While I was regularly yelled at by the President, Mr. Lansdowne, he never found any reason to mark anything down on my permanent record. Is that all going to change just because I left work just a few minutes early? 

"Have a seat Ms. Perry," he says. I sit in a plush black leather chair directly in front of his desk. Directly in front of him. "Would you like a glass of water, something to eat? You're looking a little pale." He continued, his face said he was concerned, but his eyes told the truth. He's laughing at me. Very funny, glad at least one of us is enjoying this. 

"No sir, I'm fine. Thank you for the offer, but I'm pressed for time." He just looked at me for a brief moment, like he was trying to read my mind. 

"Well that's unfortunate, Ms. Perry. You're going to be here a while." No, I can't miss visiting hours. What if something happens and I'm not there? Seeing her obvious discomfort, he then opened up his desk drawer and pulled out three papers and a pencil. "Here are three different types of puzzles. As part of your punishment, you will have to complete these puzzles correctly while I time you with the timer on my phone." He said, as he pulled out his cell phone. "If you get any of it incorrect, or if you don't complete it in a timely fashion, you will receive further punishment. Do you understand?" Are you kidding me? This is what I got so worked up over?  Little does he know, I do puzzles everyday for fun. I have since I was a child. 

"Yes sir, I understand. May I begin now?" I asked, a smirk of my own playing on my lips.

"Go ahead." He said, and I could tell he was confused by my enthusiasm towards his punishment. As I began with the first puzzle, I quickly blocked out everything else and focused completely on that one piece of paper. I knew in under ten minutes, I'd be out of the door and would make it to my brother on time. 

**********His POV**********

I watched her tear through the first puzzle, one involving math, in just over a minute and a half. As she began on the second puzzle, I had already decided, she's who I want. She had slightly curly dark brown hair that reached just under her breasts. She had beautiful eyes that were a mixture of colors all mixed together into a beautiful green. Yet earlier in the day I could have swore they were more grey in color, so they must change colors often. She looked to be about 5'5, maybe a smidge taller. She looked like she might have weighed around 120 at the very most. She was small, yet she was curvy in all the right places. Like straight out of a magazine. 

I watched her finish the last puzzle, just as the timer passed seven minutes. Considering I'd given her a sudoku, a math puzzle, and a simple picture puzzle, I was extremely impressed. She had to have practice, as usually when I gave people this test it took them seven minutes just to complete the sudoku alone.

"Am I done here? I've really got to get going now." She asked, trying her best to make the rude question sound polite. Keyword trying. 

"Excuse me? You're here because you disobeyed me and you were late. Now you're rushing to leave again? Isn't that what got you here in the first place?" I asked, not understanding who she thought she was. No one had ever dared to speak to me like that before. I didn't know what to say. 

"Listen, I have an ongoing family emergency, but if I could just come back at a later time, or even at an early time tomorrow, that would work a lot better for me." She said, clearly hopeful I'd show a little mercy. Little did she know, mercy would never come easily for me. When punishment is due, it's going to happen. 

"Might I remind you, you're in no place to be making requests right now, Ms. Perry," I said, looking at her sternly. 

"I'm sorry sir, I just really need to get going," She said as she hung her head. "This is too important to me and to my family. If I'm not there and something happens...I'll never forgive myself." she said, looking up at me again, her eyes now hard. "I have to go now. No job will ever come before my family. I will come in to work early tomorrow. Either continue my punishment then or fire me. Have a good night." She said before quickly walking out leaving me stunned. Now what am I supposed to do with this one?

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