The List

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Here is a list of all of the rules you will learn to follow. From this moment on, I will be taking it much more seriously when you misbehave. Please memorize these rules to the best of your ability.

1. You must always obey me. Do what I tell you to do, when I tell you to do it. If I tell you not to do something, then don't do it.
2. Keep your health in mind. I want you to pay attention to your mental & physical health to the best of your ability. That means don't bottle up negative feelings, don't go a day without eating, and make sure you're getting your nutrients.
3. Always be respectful. Be respectful towards me, towards yourself, and even towards others (unless they're disrespectful towards you first).
4. Always be honest. If you're not comfortable talking about something, then say so. Don't ever try to lie for ANY reason.
5. Don't hide things from me. That would be considered a lie by omission. If you have to hide it from me, then you shouldn't be doing it.
6. No drugs or drinking. I know you're an adult and legally allowed to drink, but I will not allow it.
7. Obey the law. If you get a ticket for any reason or if I ever have to pick you up out of jail, there will be hell to pay.
8. Be responsible. This should be easy enough to understand.

I can and will add things if I feel I need to. Keep this list somewhere safe until you have it memorized. I would like to add here that you will be going through what I like to call training. It may be hard at first, but you will learn to obey and respect me. You will be getting maintenance spankings until I feel you no longer need them. These are not to punish you, but to remind you who is in charge and to remind you to behave. How much they hurt or how long they last really depends on your attitude and how much I feel you need. These may happen once a day at first, but will slowly die down. How long this training take will really depend on you. If you're good, you will be rewarded. If you're bad, however, you will be punished. In case it is ever too much to handle, the safe words will be yellow and red. Yellow for when it's close to too much, but you can handle it. Red for when it's too much and I need to stop whatever I'm doing immediately. However, I would like you to know that you can trust me and you shouldn't ever have to use those words. If you would like to talk about this at all, then let me know as soon as possible. If not, then I will assume you understand everything here.


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