The First Time- Chapter 5

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  "Bend over my desk. Now." My insides turn to jelly once again at his words. I was so intimidated and nervous but so aroused at the same time. I walked over to the desk and bent over it, wiggling my butt ever so slightly to tease him. I laid my hands down onto it's cool, wooden surface and waited for the games to begin.   

"Are you absolutely sure you want this? I can tell you right now that this wont be a one time thing. If we try to have a relationship, I can and will punish you whenever I see fit. There will be rules that we can go over later that you will be expected to follow at all times." He said sternly. I felt myself getting wet.

"Yes sir, I'm sure." I responded sweetly. 

"I will take it easy on you this time for the most part since you didn't know what you were getting yourself into when you disobeyed me. However, some of it might hurt a little bit. Understood?" I nodded. His hand came down hard on my ass. I sucked in a breath. "Use your words, Elena." 

"Yes sir, I understand." I said.

With that he began spanking me. My dress was thick and he wasn't spanking me very hard so it didn't really hurt as bad as I thought it would. It felt so good that by the time he landed the first ten I was starting to get wet. I was extremely turned on by it at this point. I wanted more. After about twenty, I was sure that my panties were wet too. My pussy was throbbing. He stopped only to pull my tight dress up over my butt, exposing the lacy black underwear I wore underneath. I couldn't help but moan when he landed the first smack on my butt. It felt so good except that now it had the tiniest sting to it which just added to the pleasure. The next smack was harder, and stung quite a bit. I bit my lip and squirmed slightly. He alternated between the two about ten more times making me absolutely crazy. It felt so good and hurt at the same time. All I knew was that I wanted him and it was killing me. I needed release. 

He pulled my underwear down so slowly that I thought I might die. And as he pulled them to the floor, he bent down to let me step out of them. His face was directly next to my ass and I couldn't help but feel self-conscious. I squirmed slightly and felt him stand back up.

"Elena Perry, you are drenched. What am I going to do with you?" He teased. The anticipation was killing me. "I guess since you clearly like it so much I'm going to have to spank you harder." 

The next smack came down harder than before, and I definitely felt it. I sucked in a breath and moaned, half in pain and half out of pleasure. He did this another ten times at least, with a few lighter smacks here and there to ease some of the pain. Then he gave me five that were easier and felt so good that I was moaning and panting when he was done. He started to rub my ass slowly, making me go crazy. As he would get near the very bottom of my ass I would keep thinking, hoping that he would slip a finger into my wet pussy and make me cum. Then he smacked me another five times. Then he rubbed it again. Then he smacked me another five times. Then he was rubbing it once again. Then he smacked me a good ten times and without warning slipped a finger inside me. It was blissful. He moved his finger slowly in and out, driving me crazy. I started to try and speed it up by moving back and forth. He smacked my butt hard, making me cry out. Then he put a hand on my back to hold me in place. He took his finger out and began to spank me lightly again. I was close to cumming when he abruptly stopped and told me to stand up. 

I did as I was told and slowly stood up. I turned around to face him. His eyes looked glassy and dark. Then, before he could say anything, I pulled down my dress so that I could slowly unzip it, looking him in the eye the entire time. I was thankful for the fact that the zipper was reachable. I let the dress drop to the floor before stepping out of it, not once breaking eye contact. I took my bra off next, watching him clench his jaw as it, too, hit the floor. I got down on my hands and knees and slowly crawled over to him. He must have known what for because he unbuckled his belt and took his pants and boxers down. He was pretty big in that department and I instantly became more excited. I grabbed his hard cock and began kissing up the length of it just to tease him. Then I followed that same path with my tongue before stopping at the tip and placing just the tip in my mouth and swirling my tongue around it. I could tell I was driving him crazy and this made me even more wet. This was probably the only way I would ever be in control with him. Might as well take advantage of it. I started to work more and more of his cock into my mouth until I was deep throating almost the full length of him. The base I was working with my hand. I could tell he was starting to lose control as he started grunting and moaning lightly. 

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