Family Emergency- Chapter 3

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It was 5:00 on the dot when Elena walked through the doors of the ER. The doors she so often came through that it felt like routine. She was at the hospital so often that everyone who worked there knew her by name. They knew her like someone would know a close friend. Before she could even speak, they gave her the room number, knowing exactly why she was there. She walked as quickly as possible towards his room, praying it wasn't the last time she'd be doing so. She stopped at the door, pausing with her hand hovering over the door knob for just a moment so that she could compose herself. She could already feel his pain. She could sense his extreme discomfort. 

As she took a deep breath, she opened the door. Her father looked up at her, and she could see he'd been crying. 

"It's bad, isn't it?" She asked, already knowing by the look of him that it was really bad. Tears instantly welled up in her eyes at the sight of him lying in that bed, covered in ugly bruises. 

Her father just cried. She could tell he was scared. They'd already lost their mother to the same horrible disease three years prior. It took everything in her not to break down. 

Her brother, her twin for Christ's sake. Thomas.  He looked so broken and weak. 

Just like so many times before, every emotion rolled through her at once. Sadness, grief, anger, guilt, desperation. It all seemed to form into one general feeling of hopelessness. She wondered when that feeling would ever go away. 

Just then, he opened his eyes. Both her and her father jumped to his bedside.

"Tommy? Tommy, it's Elena. You're in the hospital. You've been in an accident. You've been in a coma for three days. Don't try to talk, you have a tube down your throat to help you breathe. Just stay calm. I'm going to get the nurse." She said as a tear slide down his face. She felt her heart break, she felt his fear, his pain. She walked out into the hallway and yelled for a doctor. She wanted to scream that he's awake and hurting. She wanted to scream for them to make it all stop. As the nurses and doctors rushed in, her and her father were pushed into the corner and out of the way. There she let herself cry on her father's shoulder. He was awake. He was alive. 

But he was scared and in pain. That's what killed her inside. He used to be so strong. Now he was so weak and vulnerable. He was afraid.

She wished so badly that she could take it all away. That she could show him how strong he really was. He'd been fighting an impossible fight for years now and somehow he was still alive. She tried to always remind herself that it could be worse but she never once believed it. This was hell. It was hell for her and it was hell for him. She tried to be grateful he was still alive, but it was hard to when he was constantly suffering. She didn't know whether she could stand seeing him struggle for much longer. 

**********Liam's POV**********

He wanted her, this he knew. And he would try his very best to have her. There was just something about her that drew him to her. But she seemed so strong, so independent. Would she really go for the type of relationship he was after? Would she even want a relationship at all? Or was she already in one? She seemed like the type of person who would prefer to be left alone. But he knew already that he wanted her either way. He'd been alone for far too long. 

He thought it was going to be all fun and games. He was wrong. 



Sorry I took too long to update, and I'm sorry its short. I don't really have an excuse other than I've been struggling and I haven't been on Wattpad because I didn't think anyone was going to read this. Thank you to everyone who has commented, vote, and read my story so far. It means a lot. :) I promise I will start updating now that I know I have people that will read it, even if it's just a few. 

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