The Next Day- Chapter 7

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I dreamed all night. Over and over, I watched my brother die and everytime I felt my heart break into a million pieces. It felt so real. Everything was so vivid. By the time my alarm went off, I felt like I hadn't gotten any sleep at all. I was in a miserable mood the moment I opened my eyes.
I rolled over and instantly remembered that I wasn't in my own bed. Then I remembered all the explaining I had to do, and how sweet Liam had been. I started to feel extremely insecure that he had seen me at such a vulnerable state. I didn't want him to think I was weak, or unstable. Even though I really was. I could feel a breakdown coming on.
This is what I do, though. I hold it all in and am so strong for my family until something happens and then I just snap. I have a mental breakdown, get over it, and do it all over again. The only difference is that I've always been alone. I don't know how to handle all of this when there's another human's feelings to take into consideration.
I remember that I have none of my work clothes here, and so I quickly get up and start panicking. How in the world will I get to work in time? I don't even know where I am or how far away I am from my place.
As soon as my feet hit the floor, I realized I had no idea where to even go. Luckily, I could hear Liam's voice. He must be on the phone. I followed the sound of his voice, which was pretty much straight down the hall, then down the stairs and right into an open kitchen. He was drinking some nasty looking green drink. As soon as he notices me he quickly ends his phone call and walks over to me. He places a kiss on the top of my forehead and tries to hug me. The gesture makes me feel weird and uncomfortable, so I try to pull away a little bit. He looks at me weird but thankfully doesn't say anything.
"Why aren't you in bed?" He asks suddenly.
"Because I have to get ready for work. My clothes are at my place." I replied, wondering why he would even ask such an obvious question.
"You're not going to work today." He replied simply.
"Yes, I am." I said, already growing irritated. I didn't even want to be having a conversation with anyone right now. It's early, I had a horrible day and a horrible night, and it's just not the time to be talking. I just wanted some peace of mind for at least an hour. Obviously I knew this wasn't his fault, especially since he had no idea what had happened the day before. "By the way, where did you sleep last night?" I asked, hoping he hadn't slept in the bed.
"I promise you, you will NOT be going to work today. We are going to talk about my rules and expectations then we'll talk about what happened yesterday. Then, you can choose to either stay here for the day or I will take you back to your place before I go to work." I could hear the seriousness in his voice. The way he was speaking to me made it pretty clear to me that his mind was made up. However, despite what he might think, I really couldn't afford a day off. I already lost half a day yesterday.
"Well, I can't afford a day off, so I'm going whether you like it or not." I stated simply.
"Excuse me? You do realize that I write your checks, right? I know you can afford a day off. You're plenty wealthy enough for a sick day." He stated, growing irritated. The irritation in his voice only added to my frustration. I have always internalized other people's feelings. I could feel myself about to snap, growing more and more pissed by the second. How dare he say that? He has no idea how much I struggle, even with those large paychecks.
"Who the fuck do you think you are? You think just because you write my checks you know what my life is like or what's in my bank account? You have no fucking clue what you're talking about so maybe you should watch your fucking tone with me instead of being a fucking dick about it." As soon as the words left my mouth, a part of me knew I had gone over board, but I was too angry to even attempt to back track. It took a couple seconds for him to even react. I think he was in shock for a moment. Then he turned around and put his hands on the counter and took a deep breath. I started to get a little nervous, but tried to hold on to the anger. He was the one who messed up first.
"Get on your knees." He said calmly after turning back around. Was this guy a lunatic?
"I'm not about to suck your dick after you made some ignorant comment telling me what I can and can't afford. Fuck that, and fuck you." I said, getting in his face. I wasn't about to let him treat me like a sex doll.
"Did I at any point in time tell you to suck my dick?" He asked through gritted teeth.
"Well, no. But I thought--"
"No, Elena, you don't fucking think. You do what I tell you to do when I tell you to do it. Now, let's try this again. I would seriously consider following directions, if I were you right now. Get. On. Your. Knees." He said, stepping towards me so that he was towering over me.
The way he was looking at me was so intimidating that I had to look away. I thought about it briefly before deciding to at least attempt to listen. I slowly got down on my knees, being careful to try and hide my face. I already felt extremely embarrassed.
"Look at me." I tried to look at him but was too embarrassed and intimidated to maintain eye contact for more than a second. "You better look at me while I'm speaking to you, unless you want to be punished. And trust me, it won't be like last time. I promise you, it won't be fun for you at all." I looked up at him and this time didn't look away. I could feel my heart pounding.
"The way you spoke to me is completely unacceptable. Any normal human being who didn't know you personally enough and saw your paycheck would assume the same thing I just did. I apologize for assuming that your paycheck is enough for you to be able to take a day off. However, the way you handled it was way out of line. You completely overreacted. What you should have done is had a normal, adult conversation with me about it. Now, what you're going to do is apologize for the way you spoke to me, then we will sit down and have a long conversation about what happened and why you can't afford the day off. However, I think while you apologize you need to stay on your knees and look at me. You wait for me to tell you to get up, understood?" I looked down and rolled my eyes before looking back up at him to apologize. "Seriously? I saw that. Get up, now!" He grabbed my arm and I felt my stomach drop. I knew I was wrong and that he deserved an apology, it's just one of those days that I woke up with an attitude. He quickly led me over to the couch and sat down before pulling me over his knee. I was really nervous at this point and already regretting the way I had behaved. "Just so you know, the severity of this is really going to depend on you." He said as he rolled up his sleeves. Damn, that's a sexy sight. I looked away before replying with a quiet yes sir. I didn't want to make things any worse.
****Liam's POV****
I was surprised to hear her say that and took it as a good sign. She's already starting to submit, but I can tell she's still got an attitude because she's stiff over my lap. My plan is to only spank her for long enough that she apologizes. We'll see how that goes. I land three sharp smacks on her bottom and smirk when I hear her gasp. She probably wasn't expecting for it to hurt at all since the other day was so pleasant. I'm not going to lie, I'm going to like this. It's hard to stay mad when she is so unbelievably attractive. I land three more smacks before asking her why she is being spanked. I can tell this makes her uncomfortable as she starts to squirm a little and doesn't answer. This just frustrates me more. She is going to need to be trained. I then start landing smack after smack on her bottom until I see it start to turn a nice shade of pink and she is steady squirming. She is completely silent, however. That's quite surprising after that little fit she had. I stop to ask her again why she is being spanked. She bows her head and gives out a frustrated groan before answering quietly.
"Because I was cussing at you and I overreacted." She said quietly before laying her head on the couch beside me.
"That kind of behavior is completely unacceptable. Throwing a fit like a child will get you nowhere. The next time you speak to me that way, I promise you I will wear your ass out. Is that understood?" I asked sternly.
"Yes sir, I'm sorry." She replied quietly. I was shocked to hear her say it so quickly. I landed four more hard smacks and smirked when I heard her say a soft ow.
"You're what? I couldn't hear you. Speak up, Elena."
****Elena's POV****
I rolled my eyes, before repeating what I said louder. I was irritated and cranky, and didn't want to be spanked. Maybe if I apologized he would let it go. He smacked me two more times before pulling me up off of his lap and into his arms. I hugged him for a minute or two while burying my face in his neck. This kept him from seeing my face and gave me a minute to get my attitude a little more under control. As soon as I was able to push away all emotion, I began to tell him everything. It took a while to get everything out, but he sat there and listened the entire time. At the end of it all, I choked up a little bit but then closed my eyes and willed it away. When I opened my eyes again, I was back to talking. Once finished, he said "you know, it's okay to cry." I just rolled my eyes and said I was fine. We talked for a little longer since he had some questions. Then, he made me some ice coffee before sitting back down. He told me he had actually made a list and was going to leave me with it while he went to work. He explained to me that I was to stay home today and that I would still get paid. I still didn't like this, but I held my tongue. We'd see about that.

When we arrived at my place, I could tell he was shocked. I lived in a crappy apartment complex where druggies and hookers frequented or even lived. I minded my own business though, so they never bothered me. He didn't say anything, but I could see the pity on his face. It was sweet on one hand and irritating on the other. This place wasn't that bad. He handed me the folded up list before telling me to relax and take it easy. Then he gave me a quick kiss before leaving for work.

When I got inside, I sat down and unfolded the list of rules. Lord help me, I am screwed.
Sorry y'all. I know this is not good at all, but I really wanted to get something out there. I will probably post the list of rules next as it's own thing. I will start working on the next chapter tonight, but probably won't post it tonight. We'll see. I have gotten a lot of questions in my messages recently and was wondering if you guys would like me to answer some of those? If you do have any questions/comments, please feel free to message me!

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