Not A Chapter

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Sorry guys! No updates for probably quite a long time. Here are some questions I've gotten messaged to me repeatedly. I would like to address the uploading issue, so please refer to question 3.

1. Is this story at all relatable to your actual life?
     There are a lot of similarities in this story to my actual life. However, a lot of it is slightly twisted. Anything about having lots of money or stuff like that is purely fictional and is only there to help add something extra. If enough people were to show interest, I would be happy to explain a little more in depth what parts are actually from my experiences and which are not etc.

2. Have you ever actually been in a relationship where someone punishes you?
    Yes. I am currently in a long term committed relationship in which my boyfriend is dominant.

3. Why do you take so long to upload?
    I am actually a full time nursing student and am an accelerated program. It's extremely difficult and I have literally no time. When we go on Christmas break I will upload and then once I graduate in April I should be able to upload much more frequently. I am really sorry because when I started this story I had no idea how hectic my life would get. I really do wish I had more time to upload.

4. Do you ever wish this story was your real life?
    Sometimes I do, but I do that with almost every single book I have ever read. I just love to read and write and always get really into it.

5. Can you give us any hints for upcoming chapters?
    Of course not, that would spoil the fun! I already know where I want this book to go in the future, but I want to take my time getting there. Too many people rush into things and I am trying my best not to do that. It's important to build the foundation for the book and then build off of that as I go. If I were to give away any major events that are going to happen later in the book, it would skew your perception! You guys will just have to wait, sorry!

Those are the most frequently asked questions. If you guys have any more questions please let me know! Also if you have written similarly kinky stories, message me with the title or something and I will try to find time to read it. If I really enjoy one, I will definitely shout it out at the end of my next chapter!
And again, I am really sorry about not having time for a proper upload. Please forgive me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2018 ⏰

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