Balancing Work & Family- Chapter 4

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A/N: I am so sorry everyone! I lost the password to my account and have not been able to get into it. I just found the agenda that I wrote the password in and have decided to continue with the story. Thank you everyone for your enthusiastic comments and votes! Enjoy. :)


***Elena's POV***

The doctor's had to assess his state of mind to try and detect how much damage might have been done. Luckily, his brain seemed to be fine. It's his heart that is causing the problem. They said it was probably his heart that caused him to crash his car into a brick building. He has had three heart attacks now, the first one when we were only fifteen. My mother had a lot of medical issues too, and died as a result. They still have not been able to figure out what is causing it all. The only thing they have told us is that its something hereditary, and even that is just an educated guess. Some of the things he has had are different than my mother, but some of them are the same. 

I am just so sick of this. I know my brother is so scared. He watched my mother suffer for so long before she died. Now he might go through the same thing. What if I'm next? I have a lot of symptoms. I just haven't gotten the worst parts that they have. I have the joint pain, constant nausea, mental health issues, and weak stomach. I just don't have heart attacks. 

I just want my brother to be okay again. I want to take his place if I'm being completely honest. He doesn't deserve this. 

"Hey, Elena?" I heard his voice croak. He had fallen asleep after they gave him the pain killers. I immediately rushed over to him and took his hand. 

"Hey, you're awake. Are you in pain? Do you need something? Should I get a nurse?" I asked and instantly felt like an idiot. He always hated how I asked so many questions. He would always get mad when I would do that as teenagers, but I couldn't help it. 

"No, I'm okay. You were pacing. I'm so so sorry." He voice cracked, and I could see his eyes tearing up. Why in the world was he apologizing? 

"Visiting hours are up, time to go sweetie." The nurse said as she came in, stopping me from asking what he meant. 

"Can't I have just a few more minutes? He just woke up." I pleaded.

"No, I'm sorry but you know the rules." She said. In that moment I contemplated just screaming at her to leave. I could feel my anger rising. 

"Sis, it's okay. I'll see you tomorrow? We can talk then. I'm pretty tired anyways." He said, while he opened his arms for a hug. I hugged him gently, trying not to hurt him. He winced anyways, and I instantly felt guilty. I apologized and then left, giving the nurse the stink eye on my way out. 

I wasn't nervous about work until I got home that night. What if I was fired? Who would pay my brother's medical bills? Where would I live? I couldn't move in with my father again. Our relationship was just too strained. We had a better relationship if we saw each other less frequently. I think the only time we see or speak to each other is when it's about my brother. 

Maybe I could call the office and see if Mr. Hemsworth was still there. Maybe I could apologize, or offer to come back in and stay late. I looked at the time. It was eight thirty at night. I doubt he would still be there. 

I waited another five minutes before deciding to give it a shot. I called the office, told them my name, and asked if he was still there. They told me that he was and put me through to him. For some reason, when he answered the phone I was nervous but also irritated. I was so tired of this job, even if I needed it. 

"Ms. Perry. I'm surprised to be hearing from you. What can I help you with?" He asked. I could hear the smugness in his voice. 

"I wanted to apologize for how I behaved earlier when I left. I realize now that I could have handled that better. If you would like, I'm willing to come back in and make up for it." As soon as the words left my mouth, I started questioning them. Did that come out wrong? Would he take that inappropriately? 

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