{chapter eight} Gone awry

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"Jason! Jason I'm startled!" Yells someone from behind me, I jump away from my crafting station.

I turn to see Sky running towards me, a half pained, half urgent grimace spread across his face.

"Woah there dude. What's up?" I laugh awkwardly as the semi-asthmatic, shit haired American hurtles head first into my chest.

"Seto! He said for you to get your arse over to the TC House."

I sigh and begin to build up speed along the gravelly pavement below with the aid of my rocket powered jet pack, grabbing sky by the collar on the way. By the time my jet had safely reached terminal velocity I was running at 90 mph and it felt oddly refreshing. My friend's unfortunately flustered face was being dragged brutally against the concrete, making a high pitched wailing sound and turning a bright scarlet. Finally I stop at the door of the house and both Sky and I collapse against the wall.

"Dude- ugh. Never do that to me again." Sky says shivering.

"Take me where I need to go Sky. This is serious."

"Yeah. Ok." He mumbles in response, looking down at scuffed shoes. "This way. I met two people who saw it. I don't know what to do but Seto's working on a potion."

"You did the right thing bro." I reply softly, Sky turns away from me ashamedly.


Was this death? It had seemed cold upon entrance but oddly no different to sleep.

I don't know what the flames were that engulfed me and who sent them but I know they weren't an attack or a coincidence... a power? Was this is, the last man finally gets his powers then kicks it seconds afterwards. Thinking about it, it would just be my luck. Pfft.

I had to tell someone I was ok or at least find out where I was. This would be a great idea except all I could see was the back of my eyelids and an eerie chill wafting around the air. My nose scrunches slightly and I get a hint of a musky smell somewhere nearby like too much dust has collected in a corner, surely you can't smell when you're dead?

What if I'm trapped in this space forever? What if this is the great afterlife and I will never be able to touch or see or hear anything ever again, just lie in a comatose state of purgatory? That's ok. I don't care about eternity not feeling anything, it's just like sleep. The thing that makes a knot form in my stomach is the thought that I'll be spending it alone, without Jerome

Without Jerome beside me I feel like one part of an incomplete heart, no one to make stupid puns at my expense or play a rapid round of hunger games with. No armour, 1v1 me bro.

'Bro'. Heh...

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