{chapter fourteen} a million things i shouldnt remember

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xRpmx13 won Hunger Games on Arena 6

"Dat legolas!" Ryan cheered

I had tried so hard to forget what happened but I couldn't, I was sick to my stomach of everyone taking advantage of me.

Ryan could see the flippin' dead, he had talked to my flippin' mom just this afternoon. Apparently she had said that cheese puffs were the secret of the universe, I always knew she was crazy but not that wacko. 

"Joordan! We have donuts to eat!" 

He had promised me that dinner was on him.

"Lezgo!" I tried to sound enthusiastic and he bought it.

The newspapers were full of reports of the mystery explosions that everyone claimed to have seen. A picture of a bright purple beacon coming from the middle of a city centre lay on the front page entitled with the subtitle 'Yet another mystery of our city. Visitors crowd around where the explosion seemed to have happened. No wreckage was left.' 

Ryan was staring into space whilst chewing on his donut. Suddenly he stood up and looked at me. 

"You're not telling me something, Jordan" He states.

I immediately close my eyes, trying to block out the memories of Ryan as a statue but when I open them again I see the ghost like figure of Jerome- the one who had helped me defeat him. It glows purple and white and it is completely and utterly see-through.

"Jordan?" Ryan asks.

"Hello? Jordan? Jordan?" Calls Jerome in my head.

Today is not my day.


"Jordan?" He calls. I can see him, he is with that Sparklez guy. 

Quickly, I make the image disappear to avoid any kind of contact that will make Ryan remember.

"Seriously Jerome." I mutter. I'm still keeping him unconscious, just until I deal with Seto.

"Where am I?" He yells.

"I told you, please, I'm trying-"

My sentence is interrupted by a searing pain down my left leg. Something is very, very wrong. The pain shoots through the whole left side of my body. My heart beat goes twice the speed and stagger towards the nearest wall, press my head against it and let out a cry through gritted teeth.

"Mitch, what the crap?..."

I sink to the floor and my head spins. My body is on fire. I tilt my head upwards, look towards my friend and smile as I pass out.


A strange emotion flowed through my consciousness as I was teleported away from the red glasses guy. I try to call to him when suddenly I hear a cry of pain. 

"Mitch, what the crap?..." 

I stood helplessly and watched.

A split second later I woke up on my old bed. And I mean old, like 5 years ago. 

"Jerome! Get down here!" The stern voice of my mom rings in my ears.

The time on the clock reads quarter past 7 and I am in pyjamas. A black uniform hangs on my wardrobe and I jolt upright. 

"Just a minute mom!" My voice is higher and I sound like a girl.

"We do not have a minute Jeremy!" I can hear her coming up the stairs so I throw on my uniform and fling the cover back on my bed.

By the time I have got on the bus it's already 8 o clock. What the flip happened to me? I remember Mitch saying something about paradoxes and Spontaneous combustion. Paradox. Paradox. Paradox. 

"Hey buddy!" A familiar voice shouts from but behind me.

I spot a boy with slick brown hair and beautiful eyes and I know who it is immediately. 

Hi guys! 
I'm going to make a list of things here because there is so much to say :)
2. I am officially not sick anymore. yay!
3. My phone kind of died yesterday so I am typing this on a computer :O
4. Ashley will be back.... Mwahahaha! Lol.
Peace out.

(edit 16.09.20 cri)

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