Chapter Three

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**Aero's POV**

We landed not far from the Hydra base we were about to attack. I was back in my black leather suite that I hadn't had on in almost a year. Thankfully it still fit like a glove. My practically useless utility belt hung around my hips. My long black hair was pulled up into a high pony tail. I had a pair of large black headphones over my ears. It helps me keep from blowing my eardrums when I use my super speed. I wore my 'Stark-Improved' sneakers that were specially designed to hold up to my speed. "Everyone ready?" Steve asked pulling his mask over his face. I stuck on my small black mask that framed my green eyes. The whole team all nodded. I looked at Bruce with a sweet smile.

"I'll see you after the fight," I winked kissing him on the lips quickly. He gave me an uneasy smile. Bruce had come along but held hope we could take the base without a code green. I gave him a reassuring smile before speeding off with the others. Clint and Natasha had stolen a jeep. Steve had a motorcycle. Tony was suited up. I skidded to a stop next to Thor. "Lets go." I cheered ready to take the base on. We all ran towards the hydra base taking out hydra soldiers on the way. I got surrounded by about 10 hydra soldiers. I was fighting hard and holding my own really well, until one of the soldiers got the jump on me. He shot me in the back. I yelped out in pain falling to ground.

"AERO!" I heard Clint yell my name in a panicked tone. He must've seen me get hit. I groaned a bit trying to get back to my feet. I could feel the small wound healing on my back. A loud booming roar alerted me that Clint's panicked call of my name was picked up on his intercom. Bruce had a ear piece as well, meaning he could hear all that was going on with us. "We got a code Green..." Clint called out telling us that Hulk was inbound. I laid on the ground waiting for the sharp pain in my back to subside. The Hydra soldiers that surrounded me were mauled over by Hulk. I got back to my feet slowly not to scare Hulk. His head snapped towards me as he let out an angry puff of air.  I gave him a sweet smile as I laid my hand on his large green arm. I stood on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek softly.

"Thanks Big Guy," I said charmingly. "Now lets go get them," I pointed forward towards the many hydra soldiers. He nodded with another huff. I dashed off to catch up with the others. Hulk followed closely behind crashing through the forest.

Tony flew ahead of us to try and infiltrate the building itself while we dealt with the enemy force on the ground. "SHIT!" We heard Tony curse. I looked up at the hydra base to see that Tony had bounced off the side of some type of force field.

"Language," Steve said sternly over the coms in reaction to Tony's cursing. I rolled my eyes and continued fighting the Hydra Soldiers at neck breaking speeds. "What's the view from upstairs, Jarvis?" Steve asked Tony's computer AI.

"the central building seems to be protected by some kind of energy shield..." Jarvis answered. "Well beyond any other hydra base we've taken." He told us. I tried to ignore the chatter coming from my com. I was more worried about the hydra soldiers in front of me.

"Loki's scepter has to be here!" Thor told us over the intercom. there was so much talking i almost wanted to break the thing. My intercom only communicated out if I pressed it, because i had music playing through my headphones.  Clint was taking out bunkers that were firing at us. I skidded to a stop next to Clint behind a tree. He shot at a bunker but the arrow didn't explode. He went to shoot another one, but a blue blur knocked him off his feet. The blur vanished leaving a blonde Russian guy.

"What? Didn't see that coming?" He asked in a cocky tone. He dashed off. Clint jumped to his feet drawing an arrow to shoot at him. I placed my hand on his chest. He lowered the arrow and looked at me annoyed.

"You'll never hit him at the speed he's moving." I told him honestly. My eyes could keep up with him, which slowed him down to a basic run in my vision. "I got him..." I stated with a sick smirk on my face before running after him. I watched him collide with Steve. I skillfully leapt over Steve careful not to hit him in the pursuit of the man. The enhanced was fast but I was way faster. I quickly got ahead of him and double back. I planted my feet firmly on the ground as he came my way. I shoulder blocked him knocking him to the ground with my super strength. "What didn't see that coming?" I mocked. i stomped on his wrist hard enough to break it. "I suggest you stay away from my team," I growled before going off to catch up with Natasha.

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