Chapter Twenty-One

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(AN: Fair warning guys! This is the last chapter of this book... I know I know I'm so sorry! I'm already working on the next book so we won't be sad long! ~Love You All)

I helped Steve usher people through the cloud of dust into a building that was still standing. "The next wave is going to hit any minute," Steve turned his attention to me. I glanced over at the elderly woman being escorted in the building by a man. My heart sunk. We were fighting a no-win battle here. "What'cha got Stark?" Steve called out for Tony to give him some sort of solution or plan. Tony said that he figured out a way to blow up the city if we could get clear. I rolled my eyes at that plan. There was no way we could walk away with all these people still up here. "I asked for a solution, not an escape plan." Steve corrected firmly. We headed out of the cloud of dust to try to get a better view. People rushed past us into the building.

"Impact radius is getting bigger every second. We're gonna have to make a choice." Tony's somber tone was clear over the comms. He didn't like this solution any more than we did. He was thinking about what would save the most lives.

"Cap," I looked over to him as we cleared the dust. "These people are going nowhere. If Tony finds a way to blow this rock..." I paused looking down for a moment. There were a lot of people left on this rock and most if not all of the avengers' team. Steve protested that we couldn't leave until everyone was safe. "Everyone up here versus everyone down there? There's no math," I shook my head in disbelief. Ultron could choose to flip this rock at any moment.

"I'm not leaving this rock with one civilian on it,"

"Who said anything about leaving?" I shot back. Steve snapped his head in my direction. I softened my gaze. "There are worse ways to go," I gave a small nod in agreement with myself. I turned my gaze to the clouds that we were slowly becoming higher than. My heart clenched in my chest. "Where else am I gonna get a view like this?"

"Glad you like the view, Aero..." Fury's voice cut through the comms with a bit of static. I scrunched my face in confusion as I looked for the source of the voice. "It's about to get better," The top of a helicarrier broke through the layer of clouds. I had never thought I would miss that hunk of metal junk but it was a sight for sore eyes at the moment. "Nice right?" Fury asked sarcastically. "Pulled her out of some mothballs with a couple old friends. She's dusty but She'll do." Fury informed us. I held in my need to cheer for excitement. The Maximoff boy came running over to us. His eyes were wide with wonder starring at the massive ship before us.

"This is SHIELD?"

"This is what SHIELD is supposed to be," Steve corrected. I gave a small smile over to Steve. " let's load them up," Steve instructed as he turned back to the building. I bumped my shoulder into the Maximoff boy's to get his attention. I offered my hand out for him.

"Aero Mitchell..."

"Pietro Maximoff," He accepted the handshake. I gave him a solid nod which he returned. I dropped his hand and turned to help Steve move the people to the awaiting transport ships. I started with the elderly or the ones who needed the most help. I was probably nothing more than a black blur as I pushed myself to go faster. Time was not on our side and we needed these people off this death rock as fast as possible. I had never been so thankful for SHIELD in my life.

"Avengers," Tony's voice caught my attention causing me to come to a complete stop and look to the sky. Tony flew overhead headed for the center of the city. "time to work for a living," I gave a nod to the SHIELD agent closest to me. I turned on my heels and headed in the same direction Tony had gone. "Aerosmith," That obnoxious nickname Tony gave me rang through my head. "You and Banner better not being play hide the zucchini,"

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