Chapter Sixteen

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(AN: Okay guys, I revamped the end of the last chapter and this chapter to give a little more light to the Aero x Bruce romance because I felt like it had gotten lost while following the plot of the movie. Enjoy a little BrucexAero Fluff ;) )

As soon as we returned to the Avengers tower, Bruce headed straight down to the lab where he felt the most comfortable. "Here's your file, Aero." Agent Hill handed me the paper file with my name on it. I looked down at the SHIELD folder in my hand. Agent Hill gave my shoulder a gentle pat before following Fury out of the tower. I starred down at the file for a moment trying to decide wheater I wanted to actually read this file or not. I carried the file upstairs to the room I shared with Bruce. I discarded the file on the bedside table. I couldn't bring myself to read the file just yet. I was worried that it would change my opinion of myself if I discovered something I didn't want to know. I decided to distract myself by heading down to the lab. I used to just watch Bruce work while we were all on the Helicarrier. That was some of my favorite memories from living on the Hellicarrier. I changed into a pair of my black track shorts and a long sleeve 'Stark Industries' t-shirt that Tony had given me as a joke gift. I pulled my long black hair into a messy bun on the top of my head. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table where I had left it. I didn't like to carry it on missions so I usually left it behind. My eyes fell back on the unopened file. I let out a mildly annoyed sigh and turned away from the file that was practically begging for me to open it and read it. It didn't take me long to find my way down to the lab. Bruce stood in front of a computer screen reading information as it scrolled past. I snuck into the lab as quiet as I could manage which was hard cause I was practically crying from holding in my laughter. I stood on my tippy toes and in one swift movement I pulled his glasses away from his eyes and used my other hand to cover his eyes. I could barely contain the giggles that bubbled in my chest. I bit down on my lip to quiet myself.

"Aero..." Bruce sounded as if he was trying to be serious but a small laugh came out with my name. I pulled my hand away freeing his eyes. I took half a step back twirling his glasses in my fingers. I looked up at him through my long lashes with a small smile tugged at the corner of my lips. I watched as Bruce turned to face me. He looked nervous under my gaze but he held it together well. "W-what are you..." He cleared his throat trying to prevent himself from stammering over his words. "What are you doing down here? Is something wrong?" He looked past me as if he was half expecting someone else to come in the lab. We were the only ones in the tower at this point.

"Nope," I popped the P sound at the end of my word. I took a half step closer to him. My heart was again thundering in my ribcage. I was almost positive that Bruce could hear echoing in the quiet room. "I..." I opened my mouth to continue but it was Bruce who closed the distance between us this time. There was a slight battle behind his brown eyes as if he was trying to decide what to do next. My mouth hung open slightly as I was frozen in place. Bruce cupped the sides of my face and pulled me closer before placing his lips on mine. My heart fluttered with happiness. My hands moved on their own before I could remind myself to stop them. The trailed softly up his chest until I reached the back of his neck. My fingertips entangled themselves in the hair on the base of his neck. Bruce's right hand left my face and found its way to my lower back. He pulled me towards him a bit more. Bruce pulled his lips away from mine to try to give us a moment to breathe. I took in a couple of deep breaths to try and to calm the whirlwind in my mind. I expected him to move away from me to throw the wall up between us, but he didn't. He kept his hand on my back to keep me from backing up. He looked down at me with those enchantingly brown eyes. His thumb gently rubbed over the side of my cheek which tickled a bit. "Bruce, I-"

"Do you know what you do to me?" He asked in a tone I couldn't quite place. It was challenging but sad all at the same time. My heart tightened in my chest. It was almost like his walls were reforming in front of my eyes. Panic washed through me. I didn't want him to pull away. "Why can't I walk away from you?" He seemed to be asking himself more than me.

"Then don't," I was basically pleading for him to not shut me out. I moved my hand to be able to touch the side of his face. I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. My heart hurt at the fact that he couldn't, or wouldn't see what I saw in him. "Bruce, I love you..." I admitted quietly. "and I know, from moments like this that you love me too. Please, don't pushing me away. You won't hurt me... I swear." I choked out.

"How could you be sure?"

"I trust you," The words rolled off my tongue as my gaze dropped to his lips. I closed the small gap between the two of us. Our lips met in a slow soft kiss. I forced myself onto my tippy toes to deepen the kiss. Bruce reacted by pulling me close to his chest. My hand on the back of his neck tangled into his dark curls. I was pleasantly surprised when his tongue grazed my bottom lip like I had done to him before. I let my lips part enjoying the feeling of our tongues wrapping together as we kissed. I took a set back in the direction of the lab table behind me causing Bruce to move in sync with me. My back bumped the edge of the metal table. I pulled back from the kiss earning a confused and concerned look from Bruce. He looked almost worried that he had done something wrong. I gave him a reassuring peck on the lips. I felt behind me for the edge of the table. With ease, I hauled myself up to sit on the table making me closer to Bruce's height. A chill ran up my spine as my bare thigh revealed by my short track shorts touched the cold metal. I grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him towards me. I locked our lips together in a much more heated kiss. My hands were back tangled in his hair in a moment. I tugged lightly on the hair wrapped around my fingers. A small noise came from Bruce's throat. It was almost like a mix of a growl and a moan. His hands, which were on my hips, tightened a bit as if he was trying to keep control. I pulled away from the kiss to check on Bruce to make sure he was alright. He shook his head quickly and placed his lips back on mine. I let out a small giggle in response.

"Aero! Hawkeye to Aero, come in. We have a problem here!" Clint's panicked voice came through the comm in my ear making me physically jump at the sudden sound. I pulled away from Bruce and pressed the comm in my ear letting Clint know I had heard him. "Ultron has attacked Dr.Cho and is taking off we're the Cradle. We need your back up," Clint explained to me.

"Okay, I'm on the way, Clint. Just hang ten," I said firmly. Bruce looked at me with a worried expression as he waited for me to explain what was going on. I hopped down off the lab table I had been sitting on. "Ultron has stolen the Cradle. They need my help," I started to back my way out of the lab. "Don't blink," I whispered jokingly. I flashed out of the lab, up the stairs, into my room, changed into my second suite, and back down to the lab in the matter of a few seconds.

"Be careful," Bruce spoke when I reentered the lab. I couldn't stop the smirk from forming on my lips. I zipped over to him and placed a sweet kiss on his lips. I took half a step back and smiled up at him. "Ultron is dangerous, Ro. Please... be careful." Bruce repeated. I rolled my eyes.

"I'll do my best," I nodded firmly. "See ya when I get back, Don't bring the toaster to life while I'm gone," I snickered with a half wave. I turned on my heels and took off out of the tower. I pushed all the engery I had into my legs. I had to pick up speed if I was going to make it to Korea in time to help. I reached up pressing the comm button on my headphones. "In route... ETA... 14 minutes..." I called into the comm as I blew past buildings and cars. I took the path of least resistance which took me straight across the water. I knew I was going to have to maintain a high speed and not let myself get distracted if I was going to pull such a feat off. 

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