Chapter Fourteen

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*Bruce's POV*

I wasn't sure exactly where we had landed or how long we had been flying. My head was still buzzing from the fight with Tony. I struggled to piece together what had happened, but unlike the other times I had hulked out I had no memory of what went on. Normally hulking out was like losing control of my body, but I was still able to see what the Hulk does. This time it was all filtered through a red mist which made it hard for me to remember. The other Avengers headed out of the Quinn jet as soon as the doors opened. Clint lea the line helping Natasha along the way. Tony lugged not far behind him looking around at where we were. Steve seemed to be the least affected by whatever the maximoff girl had done to us. Thor was deep in his own thoughts and looked extremely out of place in this little-secluded country area while he was in his godlike armor. I tugged at the end of my sleeves and followed the line without much of a word. I knew Aero was behind me even though I couldn't see her. I wanted to ask if she was okay, but didn't want to remind her of something awful. She had been the last one to snap herself out of the twin's spell and was in pure panic when she came too. I didn't think I even wanted to know what she had seen. We walked up the front steps of a quiet country home. "Honey? I'm home," Clint called as he eased into the house. We all followed behind him like a train of ducklings. A very pregnant woman came around the corner folding a piece of laundry. She had been smiling until she laid eyes on all of us. Shock flashed across her face but she quickly covered it with a smile. "Hi... Company..." Clint seemed to be easing her into the news so that she didn't freak out. "I'm sorry I didn't call ahead." Clint apologized before she gave him a soft peck on the lips. I tried to stand still but I was still nervous. Especially after what had happened, I didn't feel comfortable around Clint's family. I didn't want an accident to happen. I had been in my own thoughts causing me to miss Tony's comment. Aero's soft giggle from beside me pulled me back to reality. "Gentlemen, This is Laura." Clint introduced us all to his wife. He wrapped his arm protectively around her back. She commented that she already knew all of our names. Clint must've told her all about us. The thundering sound of footsteps came from the hall to the left of where Aero stood. She turned her head in reaction to the sound. "oh, Incoming." a boy and a girl came running around the corner. They made a beeline for their father. Clint scooped his daughter up into his arms and hugged his son to his side. I felt my heart tighten in my chest as I watched Clint interact with his kids. The nagging bit of knowledge that I would never have anything like that broke my heart.

"Did you bring Auntie Nat?" Clint's daughter asked looking around for Natasha. I looked over to Natasha. She was still very much shaken up by the events of the last mission. She hadn't spoken since we got back on the Quinn Jet. Natasha determined to fake it for the little girl crossed the room to scoop the girl with a fake smile on her lips. Clint's daughter was overly excited to see her 'Auntie Nat'.

"What no love for RoRo? I've been forgotten," Aero chimed from beside me. I glanced over to see her put her hand over her heart and pretend that she was hurt by being forgotten by the little girl. Aero had been friends with Natasha and Clint for a while, it wasn't a surprise that she had been over to Clint's house. The little girl's head snapped in the direction of Aero at the sound of her voice. She wiggled herself free from Natasha's arms and bounced over to Aero with a wide smile on her face. Aero lifted the girl from the ground with no problem what so ever. "There's my best girl. Hand Shake!" Aero offered her first out to her. The two girls did a little handshake giggling the whole time. I couldn't take my eyes off of Aero. She looked so natural playing with the little girl in her arms. I had never seen Aero look so happy. That familiar pain in my chest had reality crashing around me. I would never be able to give Aero this. She had no future with me. Aero turned her head as if she had felt me watching her. I quickly looked down not wanting her to see the sadness in my eyes. Aero sat the little girl back on her feet. I was so in my own head I had missed the fact that the other Avenger's had been talking around me. "I-" Aero's voice caught my attention. She looked around quickly as if suddenly needing a reason to get out of the house. I watched her for a moment. She had slight panic in her eyes. "I'm going out for a run," She announced rather abruptly. She didn't even wait for anyone else to give her any acknowledgment. She used her super speed to zip out of the house at the speed of lightning. I looked down a bit defeated.

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