Chapter Nineteen

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My head really hurt as I slowly came too. I winced as pain shot through the back of my head. I squirmed a bit and realized I was lying on the cold hard ground. I blinked my eyes open. The glow of maulton metal was the only real source of light around me. "I wasn't sure you were going to wake." Ultron's voice made me jump a bit. He stood over a disassembled body of a robot. He looked a lot like Tony at that moment. "I hoped you would. I wanted to show you." I sat up a bit. My head was still aching. He glanced over at me. "I don't have anyone else..." He sounded sad. I glanced around looking for the Maximoff twins. "I think a lot about meteors. The purity of them." He mumbled out. "Boom! The end... Start again..." I reached up clutching the back of my head where the source of the pain was coming from. I leaned back onto the stone wall behind me. "The world made clean for the new man to rebuild," Ultron looked over at me. His glowing red eyes made my heart rate speed up. I had never really found myself afraid of much. This thing in front of me that was talking about the destruction of my world, that scared me. "I was meant to be new. I was meant to be beautiful." He looked above him as if basking in the sunlight. "The world would have looked to the sky and seen hope. Seen Mercy." He had wanted to be a hero. "Instead they will look up in horror, because of you." He stormed across the room to where I sat frozen in near under his gaze. "You've wounded me." The closer he got the more I scooted away. "I give you full marks for that. But like the man said, what doesn't kill me-" The Ultron bot was cut off by its face practically exploding. I scrambled back trying to create space between me and the falling bot parts. Another Ultron Bot, that looked a bit different, tore the older one into shreds. "Only make me stronger." He growled. My breathing quickened as fear coursed through my veins. He slid the metal bar like door shut locking me in. I let my head lean back. I sighed loudly in annoyance. I couldn't believe that I froze. How could I call myself a hero when I froze in the face of my enemy. My instincts told me that I wouldn't have made it out alive even if I had tried to stand up to Ultron. I couldn't see much past him, but I could hear the mechanical sounds of other robots being built. I would've had to fight through hundreds of thousands of robots to get out of where ever he had brought me. I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my cheek on my knee. I wrapped my arms around myself and let my mind drift to Bruce and the others. I wondered if they were even looking for me at this point. I shook my head and tried to get myself together.

"No... I can't just lay down and give up..." I told myself firmly. I checked through all the boxes that were in this tiny room with me. I managed to make a transmitter to send out Morse code in hopes that Natasha and Clint were actively trying to find me. I would have to remember to thank Fury for all the lessons in old school communication.


I checked over the power hookups of the Cradle. Tony stood above me trying to make sure everything was in order for this to work. "This framework is not compatible," Tony called down to me. His fingers typing away on the keyboard ahead of him. I read over the panel in front of me.

"The genetic coding tower is at 97%," I called over my shoulder to Tony. His typing only got faster. "You have got to upload that schematic in the next three minutes," I informed him as I moved around the side of the Cradle.

"I'm going to say this once," Steve's voice made me look up quickly. He stood with the Maximoff twins behind him. My eyes fell on the girl and I could feel my anger rising. "Shut it down!" Steve ordered taking a threatening step in my direction.

"Nope, Not gonna happen," Tony denied.

"You don't know what you're doing," Steve argued back.

"And you do?" I bit back at Steve. I trusted Tony and I wasn't going to roll over this time. If this thing could help us save Aero then it was worth the risk. We didn't stand a chance against Ultron. "She's not in your head?" I pointed to the dark haired girl accusingly. She said that she knew I was angry which made me want to laugh. "Oh, we're way past that," I stated plainly. "I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade." She had caused so much pain for all the people that the Hulk did or could've hurt. Under the instruction of that murder bot, she almost had me demolish a city. She caused me to fight my best friend. The group erupted into arguments. We were back to the ticking time bomb this team always had been. A bright blue blur flashed around the room unplugging things and causing papers to go flying. I half hoped it was Aero, but was disappointed to find the Maximoff boy standing in place of the blur. A gunshot was the next noise to fill the room and the glass floor shattered underneath him. I glanced down to see Clint standing over the boy. Tony informed me that he was going to reroute the upload, but Steve tossed his shield into our machinery causing it to sputter and spark. I moved away quickly. Tony shot Steve in the chest sending him flying backward. The Maximoff girl's hands started to glow and she moved to take on Tony. I quickly grabbed onto her putting my arm across her neck. "Go ahead, piss me off," I warned. I was silently glad that Aero wasn't around to witness the monster I truly was. Clint came up and aimed his gun at the girl in my grasp. Tony and Steve went flying through one of the glass walls. An energy force caused me to let go of her and stumble back. She shot another energy blast at me sending me further back. A growl rumbled in my chest. Thor came sliding into the lab. He moved so he was standing on top of the Cradle. He lifted his hammer high above his head and lightning sparked off of it. "Wait!" I panicked thinking he was going to destroy the thing Tony and I had been working on. He lowered his hammer and the lightning charged the Cradle. We all stood watching in shock and amazement. The door flew off the Cradle knocking Thor back. Thor was quick to get back on his feet and prepared of whatever was going to come out of it. A red person like android came from the steam rising out of the Cradle. It made eye contact with Thor and flew directly at him. Thor used his momentum against him and tossed him away. He went crashing through another glass behind Thor. He tumbled through the air until coming to a stop at the window that led to the outside. Thor and Steve were the first to go after him. Tony, The twins, and I rushed to join them. Thor held his hand up to stop Steve from attacking. We were all very tense as we waited to see what he would do. Clothes formed around his body in a tight dark blue suit. He landed beside Thor.

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