Chapter Twelve

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I  opened my eyes and found myself in a place that I didn't recognize as if I had stumbled into a dream. My head felt such pressure as if I was attempting to recall something from long ago. Around me the walls, floor, everything was white. A large glass window separated me from people looking in on me. I felt like I was having trouble breathing. I stumbled back putting my hands on the side of my head trying to ease some of the pressure. My back met the back wall of the small room. I looked around in a total state of panic. The room had nothing in it except a small flat cot-like bed that was cover in a thin white sheet with one small white pillow. A toilet was secluded behind two small walls. Confusion and panic washed through my mind as I tried to piece together what was going on. My eyes fell on a young girl, who looked to be barely 3, curled into a tiny ball and sandwiched between the wall and the cot. She was holding the sides of her head like I was but her eyes were squeezed shut. She had long black hair that touched the floor. She was in a strange robe-like dress that was white with gold trim. The pressure had subsided for a moment allowing me to drop my hands from the side of my head. "What is she?" A deep voice came muffled from the other side of the large glass panel. There was an emphasis on the 'What' part of his question. I noticed the girl try to shrink herself into a smaller ball bit when she heard the man talk about her. A growl threatened to escape my chest at the way the male voice. I quickly averted my gaze from the little girl over to the glass I felt anger towards the man on the other side of the glass. I saw greeted by the sight of two men standing at the glass peering in at the little girl. The glare on the glass from the lights above made it hard to see who exactly stood on the other side of the glass.  I moved a bit closer to the glass to try and get a look at the people on the other side. I almost fell over at the sight of very young Nick Fury. He was standing beside an older man with white hair. He was looking down his crooked nose. 

"We don't know sir." He answered trying to answer in a professional tone. "She's just a child, Sir." Fury's tone turned much less formal and more defiant. "I don't think she is going to harm anyone. She doesn't even her own name." He argued his point. The older man sneered at the little girl through the glass. They either seemed to not be able to see me or they couldn't care less that I was in there. "I'll accept responsibility for her." Fury blurted out quickly.

"Okay, Fury. I will leave her in your care, but I expect you to turn her into an asset for SHEILD." The man said in a grumpy tone. He turned quickly on his heels marching off in the other direction. Fury made a hand movement to someone I couldn't see. The glass slid open and Fury stepped into the small room. He passed me without a second glance. I turned unable to tear my eyes away from the scene in front of me. Fury knelt down in front of the little girl who flinched away.

"It's okay... My name is Nick Fury. I'm going to be taking care of you from now on. You're going to grow up here and learn how to defend our world." He explained to the girl with a calm sweet tone. It was odd to see Fury as anything then the stone cold SHEILD director. The little girl lifted her head and looked up at Fury with those almost glowing green. I stumbled back when I realized the little girl sitting in front of Fury was in fact me. I clutched the sides of my head as the pain returned. I let out an echoing scream.

I blinked myself out of my daze and took in a few gasping breaths as if waking up from a nightmare. I looked around quickly trying to place where I was. Clint quickly came into my line of view. His hand touched my cheek lightly trying to calm me. He shushed me quietly. "Its okay, Aero. You're safe." He whispered. I started to calm down at the sight of a friendly face. Pain rippled through my head. I quickly reached for the side of my head to try and stop the pain. I looked past Clint and spotted Natasha. She looked as if she was way off in thought. The heartbreaking look on her face was evident. She had remembered something horrible. My gaze bounced over to Steve who stood in the corner just staring down at the floor. Thor was not far from him in a similar state. Whatever that Witch had done to us had messed up our minds. My eyes finally found Bruce who was curled up in one of the emergency blankets. my heart sunk in my chest. Clint glance over following my line of vision. He shook his head giving me a sympathetic look. He gave me a gentle pat on the shoulder and stood. I wrapped my arms around myself and tried to sort through fragmented memories of things that I had apparently forgotten. There was something that seemed to be missing though. I couldn't place any memories of who I was prior to Fury getting me out of that white room. I placed my head in my hands. I couldn't even be comforting to Bruce at the moment. My head was practically spinning with unanswered questions. I could only imagine what that witch had done to him. 

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