Chapter Seventeen

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I came skidding to a stop near Dr. Cho's research center in Korea. My head moved around as if it was on a swivel trying to get my barrings. I was panting lightly trying to reclaim my breath. I had run the whole way from the Avengers Tower in New York to the Dr.Cho's Research Center in Korea. "Someone give me some directions!" I pressed the comm button on my headphones trying to get in contact with any of my allies that were near by. I spotted the QuinJet above me. I glanced about trying to get my barrings. Clint's voice broke through the comms telling me the direction the truck was heading. "On it!" I nodded firmly. I took a few deep breaths and took off like a bat out of hell in the direction I had been given. I dodged in and out of the traffic passing cars that were going slower then I was. I spotted Steve's shield laying in the middle of the road ahead of me. It gave me a good indication that I was headed the right way. I snatched it from the ground as I passed, but its weight threw me off balance a bit. I struggled for a moment trying to find the correct way to carry the shield.

"They're going under an underpass, I can't get a good shot," Clint called down to me. I pressed the comm button on my headphones asking for him to lead me. "Hard right..." Clint's voice paused. My eyes scanned for the place where I would need to turn. I spotted a side road. "Now!" I turned abruptly cutting off a couple cars in the process. I took a shortcut through the alleyways and backstreets. People stumbled and stammered to get out of my way while yelling things I probably didn't want to understand. I spotted the blue truck as it crossed ahead of me. My sneakers skidded against the pavement as I tried to put on the breaks so I didn't go running face first into the side of the truck. I took full advantage of having Steve's shield and used it to help me skid under the bed of the semi truck. I regained my footing and kept up my pace next to the truck. I glanced up to see Ultron holding Steve by the neck. I tossed his shield up as hard as I could. He caught it on the magnetic band on his arm. Steve knocked Ultron's arm away from him. Ultron scowled down at me and used some magnetic pull to lift a large chunk of the road up causing me to come to a skidding stop. I cursed up at him. Steve was left wrestling with Ultron as I tried to regain my speed. It wasn't like I was trying to blow past them, so keeping my speed under control was harder than just zipping past them at the speed of lightning. The smaller robots were firing at me causing me to have to dodge the attacks. I moved over to the sidewalk staying out of their line of vision, but people had to scramble to stay out of my way.

"Sorry, coming through," I called out to the people ahead of me. "Clint, can you draw out the guards?" I asked in minor annoyance with being shot at. Clint told me that he would try. I kept up my pace as Clint swung around to get a clear shot at Ultron. The two guard robots took off out of the back of the truck to go after Clint. I smirked as my plan worked just how I had hoped. I was almost struggling to keep eyes on the truck as I had to weave in and out of traffic. I caught sight of them just in time to see Steve tackle Ultron off the top of the truck into a passenger train that was speeding beside them.

"Heading back towards you, so whatever you're gonna do. Do it now," Clint informed me that the guards had broken away from him.

"Cap, I'm going in. Keep him occupied," I informed Cap as I neared the open back of the truck. I processed the speed and angle I needed to make the jump I was planning. I took a deep breath and lined myself up at the open doors of the back of the truck. With a small increase of speed, I was quickly approaching the point of no return. I was either going to make this jump or I was going to smack into the back of it. I focused my energy into my legs and jumped as hard as I could. I went tumbling into the back of the truck groaning a bit as I was bounced around. I quickly got to my feet and examined the Cradle. there was what appeared to be a body suspended in water. It slushed back and forth as the truck rocked as something impacted both sides of the trailer. I grabbed onto the Cradle to keep myself from falling. I began to try and override the screen on the Cradle. The trailer began to rock unevenly as it was lifted in the air. I held tightly to the Cradle so I didn't slip out the back. "Come on, Ro. Think!" I looked around trying to pick the best course of action.

"Package is air born," Clint informed us as if I didn't already know. I pinched the bridge of my nose. "I have a clean shot." I pressed the comm in my ear.

"Negative! I am still in the truck!" I stated as clearly as I could. I really didn't feel like getting blasted out of the sky. Clint went to ask what I was doing in the truck. "Just be ready," I bit back not having time to explain the plan. "I'm sending the package to you," I pulled a knife out of my utility belt. I began cutting the straps as Clint asked how I wanted him to take the package. "Uh, You might wish you hadn't asked that..." I muttered with a nervous laugh. Steve yelled that Ultron was on the way. I explained the plan in the shortest way possible.

"Ro! We need to go!" Clint yelled to me. I set the explosive on the on the back wall of the trailer. I cut the last strap. The Cradle started to slide free of the trailer. I jumped on and held on as tightly as I could. I could see the back of the QuinJet open ready to receive the package. My hands slipped a bit as the Cradle bounced against the floor of the QuinJet. Something grabbed my foot and jerked me backward. The trailer exploded above us sending us free falling through the sky. I felt a sudden jerk as my decent was stopped quickly. The force of the sudden stop made my head bounce back and slam into something metal and hard. I looked up as my vision blurred. My breath hitched in my throat as the last thing I saw been caught by Ultron. My head began to ache and black dots filled my vision. Bruce's 'Be Careful' echoed in my head. Before I knew what was happening I had passed out.

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