Chapter Thirteen

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"The news is loving you guys," Agent Hill's voice came through the small computer monitor next to the pilot's seat. Clint was flying the Quinn jet and Tony was occupying the seat behind him. The flight had been mainly silent as we were all trying to regroup our minds. I tried to push away the lasting effects of the witch's power. I wasn't in the same dazed state as the others. I moved to stand beside Clint so I could see Agent Hill on the screen. She gave me a sympathetic smile. "There has been no official call for Banner's arrest, but it's in the air." She spoke in a sad tone. I could only imagine it hurt for Bruce to hear that. Clint had filled me in that the Maximoff girl had gotten in Bruce's head and caused him to 'Hulk Out'. There had apparently been a destructive fight between Tony and Hulk that demolished a large part of the city. Tony asked if his relief fund was at the city. "already on the scene." Agent Hill replied quickly. "Hows the team?" She asked kindly. I let my gaze drop. this had been a hard blow to us all. Tony responded in a hushed tone not to upset anyone else on the jet. "Well, for now, stay in stealth mode and stay away from here." Agent Hill advised. Tony sarcastically asked if we should run and hide. "Until we find Ultron, I don't have a lot else to offer," Tony mumbled an answer and ended the call. He stood from his seat and came over to where Clint and I were. He leaned down to get a good look out the front window of the jet.

"Hey, you doing okay, Aerosmith?" He used my nickname in attempts to lighten my mood. I gave a wobbly smile and nodded. He accepted my answer. "do you want to switch out?" He gave Clint's shoulder a firm pat.

"No, I'm good," Clint replied. He didn't seem bothered at all. I assumed that he had been affected by the twin's mysterious powers. "If you wanna get some kip, now's a good time," Clint instructed Tony. "We're still a few hours out." Clint looked down at the little map beside him on one of the screens. He seemed to know where he was headed. Tony asked where we were going. "A safe house," Clint responded flatly. He glanced at me over his shoulder. I read his eyes quickly and a small bout of happiness made me smile brightly. I knew that Clint had a family and the 'safe house' was the little farmhouse they lived in. It had been a long time since I visited them.


It was daylight when we finally arrived at our destination. We had all mostly recovered from the mind games that were played on us. Natasha was still having a bad time though, so Clint stayed at her side assisting her in walking towards the house. I was the last person in our little conga line. We enter the cute little home occupied by Clint's wife and two children, Lila and Cooper. "Honey? I'm home." Clint called into the house trying to find his wife, Laura. She came around the corner. I was pleasantly shocked to see that she was very much pregnant. Panic washed over her face when she saw all of us standing there in her living room. "Hi... Company..." Clint eased trying to keep her from freaking out. "I'm sorry I didn't call ahead." He apologized. She placed a kiss on Clint's lips. I stood beside Bruce who was looking around in his normal nervous manner. Tony started mumbling trying to convince himself that this was just some agent in some safe house. I half chuckled since I knew that wasn't the case. "Gentlemen, This is Laura." Clint introduced the guys to his wife as he wrapped his arm around her back. She gave a nervous laugh telling them she already knew their names. I could hear footsteps echoing down the hallway to my left. "oh, Incoming." Clint's two children came running around the corner excitedly ready to greet their father. I smiled lightly at the two children. They seemed to have grown up so quickly. Clint excitedly accepted hugs from his kids. Tony mumbled something about them being 'smaller agents' as he still didn't believe that Clint had a family. I couldn't help but notice that Bruce was watching Clint interact with his children with the most heartbreaking expression in his eyes.

"Did you bring Auntie Nat?" Clint's daughter, Lila, asked in the sweetest tone. I glanced to Natasha who had barely shaken herself out of her trance-like state. She crossed the room to pick up the little girl who went running over to her. Clint chuckled at his daughter's excited reaction to her 'auntie nat'.

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