Chapter Eleven

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"Wait." Tony's voice caught my attention. "I know that guy." He said suddenly. He was pointing to the file Bruce had in his hands. Natasha and I moved closer to where they all were. Bruce handed over the file. I moved to look over Tony's shoulder. "From back in the day. He operates off the African coast. Black market arms." Tony explained looking down at the picture in the file. Steve looked at him with his judging eyes. "There are conventions. All right? You meet people. I didn't sell him anything." Tony defended the unspoken allegation. Tony passed away the file to Thor. Thor examined one of the pictures closer. "He was talking about something new, A game changer. it was all very Ahab." Tony explained. Thor pointed to a mark on his neck. "A tattoo. I don't think he had it then," Tony replied.

"No, Those are tattoos. This is a brand." He pointed out the difference between the black ink tattoos and what looked like a burn mark on the side of his neck. Bruce moved over to the computer searching for the symbol. Everything was a bit more manual without JARVIS around.

"Oh yeah. Its a word in an African dialect means 'thief'." He explained what he had come up with in his search. He turned to face us. "In a much less friendly way." His eyes gazed past me making my heart lurch in my chest. I dropped my eyes to the ground. I faintly heard Steve ask what dialect. "Wakanada," Bruce told them but looked back quickly to double check that he had said the unfamiliar word correctly. "W-W-Wakanda." He finally stammered out. Tony and Steve exchanged looks.

"If this guy got out of Wakanda with some of their trade goods..." Tony mumbled lowly to Steve. I looked at Bruce. I had always found him very hot when he wore his glasses. My heart clenched again as the memory of the kiss flashed through my mind. My stomach churned with the feeling of rejection that tugged in the back of my mind. I forced the dark thoughts away.

"I thought your father said he got the last of it," Steve replied in the same vague tone tony had spoken in. I scrunched my face. the others looked as confused as I was.

"I don't follow," Bruce stood from the chair in front of the computer. He headed back over to where we all stood. "What comes out of Wakanda?" Bruce voiced the question everyone was wondering. I could faintly remember a file I had read on Wakanda while I lived on the Hellicarrier.

"The strongest metal on Earth." Tony made a hand motion to Steve's Captian America shield that laid on the ground not far from us.

"Where is this guy now?" Steve asked Tony firmly. We were just steps behind Ultron. We were sure he was underestimating our abilities. Tony as fast as lightning moved over to the computer. He typed away quickly on the keyboard. We all gave firm nods knowing we needed to suit up to get ready for a fight. We all split directions to get dressed. I sped up to the room I shared with Bruce. In a flash, I was dressed in my suite. I stopped in the bathroom to brush my hair and put it up in a high ponytail. I put my domino mask on and looked at myself in the mirror.

"You look like a real hero." A voice made me jump a bit. I turned to find Bruce standing in the doorway of the bathroom. He looked a bit tired and sad. "Listen, Aero. I'm sorry." Bruce started quietly. I turned to face him fully. He opened his mouth to continue but I held my hand up to stop him.

"Bruce, It's not your fault. I pushed you. I did this." I tried to explain my thoughts. "Let's not be upset with each other. This Ultron fight is going to be a lot of stress, okay." I said kindly. I couldn't let my relationship with Bruce distract me. If I'm distracted while on this mission someone could really get hurt. Steve was convinced that Ultron had recruited the enhanced twins that Strucker had created. I was going to be the only one who could hang with the speed enhanced boy. I moved closer to Bruce. I placed the faintest kiss on Bruce's cheek. "Let's save the world." I winked. He gave me a soft smile and nodded firmly.


"Don't compare me to Stark!" Ultron's mechanical voice rang through the abandoned cargo ship. "Stark is a sickness!" Ultron shouted as if he was a child having a temper tantrum. The Maximoff twins stood just behind Ultron's new much larger robotic body.

"Ah, Junior," Tony spoke in a mocking tone as he hovered opposite of Ultron. Thor and Steve just behind him. I stood at Thor's side eyeing the boy twin ready to take him on again. "You're breaking your old man's heart." Tony half-joked as he landed his suite on the small metal walkway.

"If I have to." Ultron threatened. I was sure that Clint and Natasha were getting into place. Bruce was safely tucked away in the Quinn jet. Thor tried to tell Ultron that nobody had to break anything. "Clearly you've never made an omelet." Ultron was practically an extension of Stark cause I was sure he would've said the same thing.

"ah, he's funny, Mr. Stark." The Maximoff boy took a couple steps forward. I let out a low growl stepping forward myself. I was just itching to clobber this dude. It'ss what? Comfortable?" He asked shifting his eyes from Ultron to Stark. His gaze dropped to something below us. I glanced down to see missiles. "Like old times?"

"This was never my life." Tony defended. Steve told them that they were still able to walk away. Steve Rogers our moral compass. The female twin brushed him off.

"Gah!" Ultron interrupted their conversation. "Captian America. God's righteous man." He said bitterly. Steve paused and looked to Ultron. "Pretending you could live without a war." Bitterness dripped off his words. "I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but..." He was definitely Tony Stark's creation.

"If you believe in peace then let us keep it." Thor interrupted.

"I think you're confusing 'peace' with 'quiet'." Ultron shot back. Tony asked what the Vibranium was for. "I'm glad you asked that because I wanted to take this time to reveal my evil plan." He poked fun at the trope of evil villains spilling their plans to the heroes with just enough time for the heroes to stop them. He used what seemed like a magnet in his hand to forcibly pull Tony's suite towards him. Thor shielded me quickly and Steve braced himself. Tony was thrown back into the wall behind us. The metal of the wall crumbled under the force of Tony slamming into it. Tony recomposed himself and blasted off towards Ultron. They began grappling and off they went shooting blasts at each other. Two iron legion bots came flying at us. Thor grabbed one and Steve grabbed the other. The male twin slammed into Thor's back as he turned around to smash the robot. Thor stumbled a bit.

"Aero." He motioned to the blue blur. I nodded firmly and slipped my headphones over my ears from their place around my neck. I took off after the boy quickly. He seemed to know where he was going putting me at a small disadvantage. I had to dodge flying robot parts, Thor, Steve, Tony and Ultron's blasts. I growled with annoyance and tried to keep up with the boy. He skillfully dodged the things that flew around us at almost slow motion. He was moving faster then he had been at they hydra base. He rounded the corner smashing his fist into Steve's face before vanishing in a blue blur again. I slowed to a stop to check on Steve who was thrown back by the force. He waved me off. I nodded again and hurried off again. I noticed Thor throw his hammer in our direction. The idiot grabbed onto the handle of the hammer as it passed. It caused him to go flying following the momentum of the hammer. He crashed to the ground with a groan. I couldn't hold in my laughter. Thor called his hammer back quickly. I jumped down to where the boy was trying to stand. I kicked him roughly in the chest knocking the wind out of him and causing him to fall back into the cases. He coughed and sputtered trying to regain his breathing.

"Stay down, Kid. I warned you not to touch my team." I hissed. The echoing of gunfire caught my attention. I turned away and headed off to try and find Natasha and Clint. I heard Bruce's voice break through my coms asking if it was a code green. I moved my headphone and tried to press the button. "No! No Code Green!" I yelled hoping that I'd get through to him. I slipped my headphones back on and hurried off. I blurred past Steve then Thor. They seemed to be okay on their own. I slowed as I rounded the corner as I neared the sound of gunfire. Unfortunately, I ran right into the crushing force of the boy twin. The force of the hit knocked me down so I was laying on my back. I coughed and sputtered trying to get my lungs to work again. I squeezed my eyes shut and groaned in pain. I barely opened my eyes when a spooky looking red wave crossed over my eyes. My stomach churned as I forced myself to sit up. I tried to fight the fog that was trying to cloud my mind. I struggled to my feet. Clint's voice came through my com. I pushed away my headphones causing them to go crashing to the ground. My hand fumbled trying to the button to respond. "Enhanced Girl... Mind control..." I choked out. The fog took over my mind as Clint call of my name faded away. 

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