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Your P.O.V (lols back to you)

My heart was pounding. My legs were aching. My lungs were burning. But that didn't stop me as I ran down the metal hallway of the battleship with my name being called behind me. I stopped before looking at my surroundings as if the hallway was endless.

I was lost. I didn't know where to go. I didn't know which way to run. All of a sudden, I hear footsteps. I look up to see a small figure walking towards me.

The figure looked like some upside-down egg with a ninja suit, red eyes and a small bit of brown hair poking out of the top of his head, and small scar running down his left eye.

"My my," spoke the figure in a deep rough voice. "Seems as though one of Meta Knight's 'pets' has escaped."

He began to walk towards me very slowly, getting closer and closer with each step. "You're a brave one aren't you?" He asked

"Coming out all this way just to show how tough you are?" He finally stood in front of me before pushing me down and jumping on my stomach, causing me to drop my sword.

"Well, let me tell you," he got closer to my ear before pulling out a small dagger and putting it towards the side of my neck. "That was a very stupid idea." He whispered.

All of a sudden, the small ninja was thrown off of me towards the metal wall by a golden sword.

The small ninja put both his feet on the wall before landing on his feet, his dagger gently cutting my arm as it fell. I looked to see who threw the sword, and it was none other than Meta Knight himself.

"Yamikage." He said coldly. "Meta Knight." Yamikage said just as coldy. "You should have known better than to show your face to me." Meta Knight said.

Yamikage only tsked before looking at me and pointing at me with another dagger. "Your pet escaped so I decided to return her." He said looking at me harshly. I gulped as Meta Knight moved to stand in front of me protectively.

"Are you hurt?" He asked me, moving his head slightly to glance at me. I shook my head and he turned back to Yamikage.

"Good." He said. "Why have you come here?" He asked Yamikage. "Why, to take my revenge of course, you haven't forgotten, have you?" He responded.

Meta Knight chuckled before saying, "Still holding a grudge yet it is rather me and my men that should be." He said

"Oh? Care to tell me why?" Yamikage asked sarcastically. "You know damn well why." Meta Knight said, his voice raising at the slightest.

"Yes, of course I didn't give too much of a crap when your little 'Jecra' was taken by Nightmare." Yamikage said sarcastically. Meta Knight's eyes began to glow red, which I can already tell, was not a good thing.

"That was not it and you know it. You betrayed us, you left us for the enemy." He said, his eyes glowing a bit more red.

"Perhaps our 'army' should not have been so weak and I would not have left," Yamikage said.

"Nightmare was stronger and had more power. That was all I seeked, since our army barely had anything." Yamikage continued.

"It was not our army that was weak, it  was your impatience and arrogance that had us fall apart at the slightest." Meta Knight responded.

"Your arrogance must be another reason you are here. Nightmare is dead, so you don't have any other reason for being here." He said

Yamikage chuckled darkly before pulling out a sword from behind him and kicking Meta Knight's sword over to him.

"It seems I've bought more than I've bargained for." Yamikage said, slight amusement in his tone. "Why is that?" Meta Knight asked getting in a fighting position.

"Because now, I can fight for two things, revenge for myself and avenging my master." He said before charging full speed at Meta Knight
Alright, so I tried to make it longer as requested, so, I hope I did well. I would also like to thank a certain someone in the comments for recommending this great idea of a chapter. And I think I should change the schedule of updating instead if just updating every friday so for now this chapter and maybe a few more will be updated on Tuesday night and Friday morning, Potassium(K)? Alright, Peace out ✌

The Female Legend- Meta Knight X Reader (Warning: Slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now