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Noelles P.O.V.

"Where did you run off to with Kellin then?" Mikey asked , nudging my shoulder as we walked into math class. "Nowhere!" I giggled. "We just came back to the car park , said our goodbyes and then we both went home!" Michael started wiggling his eyebrows. "Sure you did." I hit his arm playfully and glanced over at Calum who was leant against his desk. He gave me a slight wink and bit his lip as I turned back to Michael.

"Who's that?" Michael whispered as he gestured in the direction of a girl that was sat by herself at the back of the room. "I don't know. Should we go talk to her?" Michael just shrugged so I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the back of the room with me.

Me and Michael took and seat next to the mystery girl and we started exchanging glances. "Go on then Miss Social , talk to her!" Michael whispered in my ear , causing me to grin. I turned in the girls direction and found her staring at Ashton from across the room. "So are you new here?" She slowly turned around and smiled at me. "Yeah I am. My name is Riley by the way. Riley Hood." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Your last name is Hood?" She nodded. "Oh its just our math teacher , his last name i-" Riley cut me off. "Yeah I know his last name is Hood." I nodded my head. "Hes my cousin." I turned to Michael and gave him a weird look.

"Mr Hood is your cousin?" Riley nodded. " I was kind of hoping that I wouldn't be in his class. He is a pain in the ass at home but now I have to deal with him at school to!" I chuckled. "I'm Noelle by the way and this is Michael." Mikey gave her a small wave and she happily returned it.

Our heads snapped up as Calum threw his hands down on his desk making a loud bang echo around the room. "I want you guys to get straight on with this work sheet today. " The whole class nodded and Calum started to stalk down each isle , handing each student a sheet as he passed. When he finally got to our row , Riley tapped me on the arm. "Watch this." As Calum started to walk down the row , Riley stuck her foot our causing Calum to trip. I threw my hand over my mouth and tried to contain my laughter as Calum tried to play it cool.

He picked up a few sheets that he had dropped and very subtly gave Riley the middle finger. I laughed and watched Riley poke her tongue out at Cal as he placed a sheet on her desk. Calum then turned to me and gave me a sweet smile before continuing down our isle.

· Skip the rest of the lesson *

"Is it okay if I sit with you guys at lunch?" Riley asked as we walked towards the cafeteria. "Of course!" I beamed as we pushed the big double doors open and made our way over to the table.

"Hey Jack." I mumbled as I threw my bag down onto the table. "Yo." Jack replied , dragging out the "o", "Well who is this snazzy little girl?" Jack asked playfully as Riley sat down next to me. I heard Riley laugh before introducing herself. "I like you." Jack pointed to her. "You seem much cooler than Noelle." I gasped and placed a hand on my chest. "I can't believe this Jack!" Jack threw his hands up in self defence. "C'mon! She has purple hair and a lip piercing!"

I shrugged and waved at Casey as he sat down at the table.


"So how was your first day?" I asked Riley as we made our way to the front of the school. "It was awesome! I think I am going to get on really well with you and all the others." I nodded and looked up to see Luke waiting for me by his car. I waved and he grinned before waving back. "Aye! Noelle has got herself a boyfriend!" Riley yelled before punching my arm playfully.

I scrunched my face up in disgust. "Ew no! That's my brother Luke." Why does everyone think he's my boyfriend?! Riley raised her eyebrows and looked to the side. She looked back at me and then we both started to laugh. I wiped a few tears from my eye before turning back to Luke and signalling that I would be over in a minute or two. "So anyway , I will see you tomorrow!" Riley nodded and I lent forward to hug her. "Can I get your number Noelle?" "Sure!" I quickly gave Riley my number before running over to Luke.

I gave him a huge hug and he placed a kiss on my head. "How was your day?" He asked as we got in the car. "It was pretty good. I made a new friend." Luke gasped. "You , making new friends? It's a Christmas miracle." I furrowed my eyebrows up. "How can it be a Christmas miracle Luke? Its March." Luke just shrugged. "Just go with it bro."

I turned to Luke and gave him a "did you really just say that" look. "What?" He asked , chuckling. "Don't ever call me bro again!" "Gees! Sorry...bro." I raised my hand in the air and Luke covered his face with his hands. "I'm sorry , I'm sorry!"

I moved my hand and started to laugh at him. "Don't laugh! You are violent when you angry!" I nodded in agreement. "Quite true." Luke shook his head and let out a breathy laugh. "C'mon kiddo, lets get you home."


sorry this chapter sucked! It was kind of rushed because I am currently have personal problems with a family injury/illness. Also sorry that Calum wasn't really in this chapter but you guys finally met Riley who was the contest winning character! You will be seeing a lot more of her quite soon! Anyway thank you guys so much for all the support! Love you all <3333333

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