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I listened to Vapour whilst writing this :) 

Calum's P.O.V.

I gave Noelle a small wave as the car drove off. I sighed and climbed into my car. I threw my bag on the back seat and put my key in the ignition. Twenty One Pilots came blaring out of the speakers. I leant forward and turned the radio down a little before pulling out of the parking space and driving towards the exit. 

I started tapping my fingers and singing along to the song. I stopped at a set of lights and saw a girl climb out of a car. I smiled as I realised it was Noelle. My jaw suddenly tightened as I saw the boy climb out of the car and wrap his arm around her shoulders.

I snapped out of my gaze when the sound of a horn came from behind me. I looked up and saw the light was green. I quickly stepped on the pedal and sped off towards my house


When I pulled up on my driveway I noticed the other car and chuckled knowing that my college friends had come over. I jumped out of my car and rammed my key into the door and threw it open. "Hey guys!" I yelled.

Two of my best friends came running into the hall. "Cal!" I smiled at the blonde boy and the brown haired boy. " Harry , Niall! I missed you guys!" I threw my bag down and pulled them into a hug. "Where are Louis and Liam?" I asked as they pulled away. 

"In the living room , smoking some weed." I smirked. "If you would have told me there was weed , I would have come home sooner!" The boys chuckled before walking into the living room. 

"Alright lads!" I yelled as I walked in. Louis looked up and smirked. "Cal! How have you been mate?" I smirked back and gave him a quick hug. "I've been great." 

I gave Liam a quick hug and sat down on the couch. I leant back in the chair slowly. "So what's this I hear about weed?" Liam chuckled. "Alright , who told him?!" Niall shifted slightly and walked behind Harry. 

I chuckled and raised an eyebrow. "A joint would be nice Li!" He sighed and leant forward and rolled some weed in a paper and handed it to me. I lit it and inhaled. 

Louis sat next to me and took a puff of the joint he was smoking. I looked him up and down and he raised an eyebrow. I took one look back at him and we both burst into fits of laughter. 

Harry and Niall took a seat and chuckled at me and Louis messing around. "So Calum. What job do you do now?" I smiled cheekily before answering Harry's question. " I am a maths teacher at the local high school." 

He nodded in response. "Are there any female teachers there?" Louis asked and I nodded in response. "Are they cute?" I scrunched my nose up. "No , they are all old!" Louis giggled and slipped and fell of the edge of the couch. 

We all burst out laughing as Louis slowly emerged from underneath the coffee table. "Are you okay Lou?" I asked as he climbed back up. 

He simply looked at me and then started laughing hysterically before taking another hit. I placed the blunt between my lips and took a long drag before exhaling. "So no cute teachers?" Louis pouted. Harry shook his head and got up and made his way to the kitchen. 

I held a finger up. " I do have a really cute student though." Louis gasped. "Is she innocent?" He smirked. A devilish grin etched its way onto my face. "So fucking innocent. Its so hot." Louis licked his lips. "What's her name?" Liam asked. "Noelle." "How old is she?" I chuckled. " She's 17." Niall almost spat out his drink. "Mate in case you hadn't realised you are 25. That is a 8 year age gap." I shrugged. "If you had seen her, you would think the same. Trust me." 


3 joints later , the boys decided to leave. "How long are you guys in town for?" I asked as they all climbed into Niall's car. "Around three more days." I nodded. "I guess I'll see you guys soon!" I giggled as the car pulled of the drive. 

I slammed the door shut and went back into the living room. I threw myself down in the seat that Liam was sat in and I immediately felt something brushing against my thigh. I felt around before pulling the bag out and smirking. 

Liam had left a half a bag of weed and some papers here. I grabbed out a paper , some weed and my lighter. I rolled up another joint and lit it. I stuck it between my teeth and started to breathe in the amazing  taste. 

I exhaled slowly and climbed off the couch. I grabbed a bottle of beer from the fridge and made my way outside. I walked along the street for quite a while until I reached a familiar set of traffic lights. I smirked as I saw Noelle's house on the corner. I stared at her house and my head became full of thoughts. 

I thought about her beautiful smile and how innocent she looked in her school uniform. I smirked and tried to think of a way I could spend more time with this beautiful girl. 

My eyes lit up as I thought of the perfect idea. I ran back to my house as quickly as I could. I grabbed my keys from my pocket and fumbled with them as I tried to get in. I eventually got the door open and ran straight over to my laptop. I quickly went onto the school website and signed in. Then I searched for Noelle's name. 

I waited a minute and it came up. I smirked before clicking on her profile. I clicked on maths and stared at her perfect record of straight A's. At the minute she was working at and A+ but I needed to a way to get that down. I simply clicked on her grade and changed that perfect A to a D-.

I clicked save and leant back in my chair. "It looks like Noelle is going to need some tutoring." I said to myself as my signature smirk made its way onto my face. 

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