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Marinette was sitting on the bed thinking her until her train of thoughts come to an end when the door opened "Oh great" she thought sarcastically then he stepped in "Good Morning sunshine!" He smiled wickedly "How are you today" he said " I slept good thank you for asking" she said sarcastically "Well that wonderful dear!" He said I brought you breakfast toast and water.

He then slid the tray under a rectangular whole for the tray and he handed the cup to her through the bars Marinette observed it and found some blue spots on the bread she cringed and said "Are you serious?!" She screamed she then tried to strangle the demon and he stepped back "tsk tsk" while waving his finger backing in fourth " if you don't want me to cut of you fingers I suggest you not to do that again.....Ok! Pumpkin!" He said.

"Look you little piece of shit!" Marinette said through gritted teeth "You better get me out of this dungeon and let me go!" She said gripping the bars.

"Listen here bitch even if you do get out! You will never escape me! You are not awake are you? As long as your awake your under my control but if you wake up your already free!" He said smugly.

Marinette glared at him through the bars.

"But.........You are going to be my slave and i will let you out  I'll be away soon in about two minutes I got business to attended to my lady I will let you out once I leave but for right now you stay in your bird cage" he laughed bitterly and walked up the stairs.

Marinette couldn't take it anymore she grabbed the expensive China plate and through against the wall she then through end the cup with water that splashed everywhere on the cold ground then she threw the blankets and pillows on the floor and screamed in frustration.

                         ~ 2 minutes later~

Then "Adrien" cam downstairs and looked through the bars "My my what a destruction you have caused kitten!" He said he then grabbed his keys and opened the door "you are to bake me some cookies when I'm away I prefer chocolate chip cookies ok pet!" I'll be watching you through the monitor in the kitchen!" He said Marinette rolled her eyes then "Adrien" grabbed her throat and said "Don't even dare try to escape ok!" He said then he threw her on the ground and grabbed her hand and dragged her to the kitchen everything you need is in the kitchen nothing for you to kill me!" He said smirking I'll be back in about an hour.....ok my little munchkin!" He then pat her head and grabbed his coat and key he went towards the door and locked it.

Marinette can hear the garage door opening and wheels being speed down the road she sighed and angrily got out the pan and rolling pins the measuring cups and the wooden spoon and the cookie mix.

She began to put the I ingredients she saw in the corner of her eye a camera glowing green but then it turned red she thought in her head.

When it's Green he's watching when it's red he's not she sighed and began to make the cookies she started feeling sad and angry with herself why on earth did she believe him she then angrily began adding the ingredients to the cookies she forgot the milk and went to go get it but once she stepped off the stool a blue liquid dropped out her pocket she was surprised and grabbed the bottle with her hand.

"How did this get in my pocket?" She said in a whisper tone she turned around and saw the camera's light turned red she looked back at the bottle and saw a note that said in cursive "Put it in the cookies" she was confused and put the whole bottle of liquid making sure the light was still red luckily it was once she was done she wrapped the bottle with a napkin and tree it in the garbage she made sure it's hidden she "Adrien" won't expect a thing she then quickly mixed it then she got the pan and put the cookie dough on the pan.

She then put them in the oven. Once it's done she got them out and placed them on a plate she saw the camera turn where she though that "Adrien" was coming home she hasn't realized the time but was smirking evilly she was excited for what that blue liquid was she was hoping it's poison so she can get a chance to run out and wake up she now has a plan activated in her mind.

If the cookies are poisonous she would run.

Then she would do what she did before.

Get hit by a car again to wake her up.

This is her time to wake up and escape this nightmare.

"Let's just hope this works" she thought and waited patiently for "Adrien" excited for what's about to happen. 


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