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Your POV
The next day you were woken by the beeping of your alarm. You hesitantly got up, thinking if it was worth going to work. You then realize that's how you get the money's so it was definitely worth it. As you walk to your bathroom your phone vibrates. You decide to check it later, but then it vibrates again. And again. And again. Someone wasn't calling, but repeatedly texting you. You walk in the bathroom and check what you look like. You've never been too keen on what you look like, but didn't want to put in the effort to change anything. You wash your face and teeth and head back to your room to change. As you change you notice who ever was texting stopped. You grab your phone and walk in to the kitchen. Y/B/F was already at work, so you had the place to your self for the morning. You plug your iPod in to a speaker and music all of a sudden starts playing. You make breakfast and unplug you phone from the speaker. You eat, grab your stuff and head out the door. Getting in to your car, you drive the whole 10 minutes to work. Once you get to work you check who was texting you, and it was Josh.

J: Y/N

J: I'm


J: help

J: me

J: give me attention (me @ my internet friends. Shout if you're reading this)


J: how rude can you get

That was the last text he sent, 40 minutes ago. You decided to respond

Y: Jesus fucking Christ Josh I'm here I was getting ready for work

J: what is your job

Y: I work at a boutique

J: okay then we'll wanna meet at lunch?

Y: aren't you on tour? Why are you spending so much time in Brooklyn

J: we're on break

Y: but why break in Brooklyn

J: cause


Y: okay then where for lunch

J: let's go to the Star Dust Diner

Y: okay

ALSO the star dust diner is an actual place. It's this diner and it's sorta small but it's 90's themed and the waitresses and waiters sing and it's really cool so when that happens don't be confused. I LOVE YOU ALL BUH-BYE

a little crush- josh dun x reader [editing]Where stories live. Discover now