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f/c; favorite color

*time skip cause I can*

Your POV
It's been a few weeks since you guys have had that conversation. Last week, Josh and Tyler continued the tour while Jenna had went back to Ohio. Over the time you and Josh had been talking, you, Tyler, and Jenna had also gotten close. Right now, you're just lying on your bed, when Jenna texts you.

J(enna)pack your bags

Y: why

J: cause you're coming to visit me in Ohio

Y: like I have the money

J: how much do you need

Y: Jenna no I'm not allowing you to pay for some of my ticket

J: yes you are

Y: noooooooo

J: yeeeeeeessssssssss

Y: fine

Y: I only have half of the money for the way back

J: okay I'll pay the rest

Y: okay lemme check the website for plane tickets

J: k

You got up from your bed and check JFK website for tickets to Ohio on your laptop. Luckily, there was a standard ticket left for an okay price. It was two days away. You filled out the form to pay. You went  back to your bed and texted Jenna.

Y: see you in two days girl

J: omg see you in two daysssssss

With that, you leave your room and head down the hallway. You go in to your closet and find your F/C suitcase. You head back in to your room and put anything you'll need in there. Sweaters, jeans, shirts, under garments, shoes, and toiletries. When you're done you collapse on your bed, thinking of all the fun you and Jenna will have.

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