Fifteen- airplanes

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A/N did I forget to mention the time of the story is in October? Cause it is. I'M SORRY I'VE BEEN BUSY AND I HAVEN'T HAD THE MOTIVATION TO WRITE. But since I don't hate you guys I'll update with 0% motivation.


The day had come. You were all packed and ready to go on the plane. You woke up early and went to go take a quick shower. You put your wet hair in a bun, and put on a little makeup. Simple nude lipstick, mascara, and eyeliner and bit of foundation and concealer. You went downstairs and had a bowl of F/C. After, you was back upstairs and grab your suitcase and carry on. You were only going for a week so you didn't pack much. As much as a small suitcase could carry at least. You walk back downstairs and call an Über. After about 7 minutes precisely you get a phone call signaling your Über had arrived outside. You texted Josh asking him what's the best restaurants in Ohio as you sat down in the taxi.

Y: yo dun

J: you seriously need to stop calling me that

Y: and if not?

J: I'm literally gonna punch you when I get back

Y: figuratively

J: what

Y: not literally figuratively cause you wouldn't punch me cause you love me too much

J: yeah I LOVE the way you swear and annoy me

Y: snORt

Y: I'm so surprised you've put up with this long

Y: anyway back to topic I was gonna ask you about

J: what

Y: what are good restaurants in Columbus

J: why

Y: I'm going to visit Jenna you silly sausage

J: oh um the diners good and Marcela's Pizza (DISCLAIMER: Marcela's is a pizzeria in MY town b/c I don't know any places in Ohio)


J: no probs

Y: okay I'm arriving at the airport soon byeeeeeeeee

J: byeeeeeeee love you




With that you pulled up the airport and got out of the cab. This trip was gonna be fun.

a little crush- josh dun x reader [editing]Where stories live. Discover now